老师 USDP 和 SDP的投票权分别在哪里 解释:
Debrah_品职答疑助手 · 2020年10月16日
同学你好,你问的是Sponsored DR(参与型DR) 和 Unsponsored DR(非参与性DR)吧。
leozhenlin · 2020年11月02日
NO.PZ2015122802000106 问题如下 When investing in unsponsorepository receipts, the voting rights to the shares in the trust belong to: A.the pository bank. B.the investors in the pository receipts. C.the issuer of the shares helin the trust. is correct.In unsponsore, the pository bank owns the voting rights to the shares. The bank purchases the shares, places them into a trust, anthen sells shares in the trust — not the unrlying shares — in other markets.考点Private Equity anNon-mestic Equity Securities分为参与型和非参与型。参与型即sponorse是指外国公司直接参与的发行。购买的投资者与普通股投资者一样,直接享有股票的权利(例如投票权和分红权)。而非参与型也就是unsponorse,外国公司不直接参与的发行。而是由托管银行在其国内市场购买外国公司的股票,然后通过券商在托管银行当地市场发行。在这种情况下,托管银行保留股票的投票权。 RT,谢谢
NO.PZ2015122802000106问题如下When investing in unsponsorepository receipts, the voting rights to the shares in the trust belong to: A.the pository bank. B.the investors in the pository receipts. C.the issuer of the shares helin the trust. is correct.In unsponsore, the pository bank owns the voting rights to the shares. The bank purchases the shares, places them into a trust, anthen sells shares in the trust — not the unrlying shares — in other markets.考点Private Equity anNon-mestic Equity Securities分为参与型和非参与型。参与型即sponorse是指外国公司直接参与的发行。购买的投资者与普通股投资者一样,直接享有股票的权利(例如投票权和分红权)。而非参与型也就是unsponorse,外国公司不直接参与的发行。而是由托管银行在其国内市场购买外国公司的股票,然后通过券商在托管银行当地市场发行。在这种情况下,托管银行保留股票的投票权。 sponsor是上市公司主动存了股票然后在海外发行Gsunsponser是除了上市公司意外的其他机构个人投资者存了股票然后在海外发行gs对吗
NO.PZ2015122802000106 the investors in the pository receipts. the issuer of the shares helin the trust. A is correct. In unsponsore, the pository bank owns the voting rights to the shares. The bank purchases the shares, places them into a trust, anthen sells shares in the trust — not the unrlying shares — in other markets. 考点Private Equity anNon-mestic Equity Securities 分为参与型和非参与型。参与型即sponorse是指外国公司直接参与的发行。购买的投资者与普通股投资者一样,直接享有股票的权利(例如投票权和分红权)。而非参与型也就是unsponorse,外国公司不直接参与的发行。而是由托管银行在其国内市场购买外国公司的股票,然后通过券商在托管银行当地市场发行。在这种情况下,托管银行保留股票的投票权。 C为什么不对呢?
the investors in the pository receipts. the issuer of the shares helin the trust. A is correct. In unsponsore, the pository bank owns the voting rights to the shares. The bank purchases the shares, places them into a trust, anthen sells shares in the trust — not the unrlying shares — in other markets. 有两个问题,1.请问,votings rights in trust这个trust是什么东西???2.如果是sponsere形式,这个题目结论又是什么呢?