NO.PZ2015123001000002问题如下analyst wants to account for financistress anmarket-capitalization well market risk in his cost of equity estimate for a particulartracompany. Whiof the following mols is most appropriate for achieving thobjective? A.The capitasset pricing mol (CAPM). B.The Fama Frenmol. C.A macroeconomic factor mol. B is correct.The Fama Frenmol incorporates market, size, anvalue risk factors. One possible interpretation of the value risk factor is thit relates to financistress.麻烦老师一下, market-capitalization,这点是怎么体现的呢,谢谢~
NO.PZ2015123001000002 The Fama Frenmol. A macroeconomic factor mol. B is correct. The Fama Frenmol incorporates market, size, anvalue risk factors. One possible interpretation of the value risk factor is thit relates to financistress. 老师,再深入问一下book-to-market是不是可以看做可以分析出两个问题1.同样业务表现的两家公司,如果a公司最近财务状况不好,财务状况不好的公司股东要求回报率会更高2.value型公司股东要求回报率更高book-to-market理解起来比较抽象,老师可以帮我提供一个计算例题帮我理解一下book-to-market怎么算出来,并且怎么结合cost of equity出计算题吗?
NO.PZ2015123001000002 老师,这道题目我还是没有明白为什么选择这个答案?financistress
FFmol 怎么能显示出financistress?谢谢
老师,您好!fama french请问在哪一页讲义中有涉及?强化班好像没有提到。烦请帮忙提供一下,谢谢!!