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chris2.0🔱 · 2020年10月12日

问一道题:NO.PZ201601200500004704 第4小题 [ CFA II ]

* 问题详情,请 查看题干


4. Which statement by Zin provides the most support for a strong governance rating?



Statement 1.


Statement 2.


Statement 3.


C is correct.

Statement 3 provides the most support for a strong governance rating. The statement describes the manner in which the audit committee should work. The other two statements do not support a strong governance rating as each casts doubt about the independence of the board from management’s control.

1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2020年10月13日

  • 请问是具体哪个视频没有讲?哪里的后三题?建议提问时,具体说一下问题的出处
  • Reading 23 的课后题 16-18 题,对应的 LOS 是 2019 年的,2020 年考纲做过调整
  • 但是教材还保留着这三道题,可以看一下,公司治理以 Reading 22 为主

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NO.PZ201601200500004704 问题如下 4. Whistatement Zin provis the most support for a strong governanrating? A.Statement 1. B.Statement 2. C.Statement 3. C is correct.Statement 3 provis the most support for a strong governanrating. The statement scribes the manner in whithe aut committee shoulwork. The other two statements not support a strong governanrating eacasts uabout the inpennof the boarfrom management’s control. 提问Statement 1为什么不对。

2022-08-04 22:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601200500004704问题如下4. Whistatement Zin provis the most support for a strong governanrating? A.Statement 1. B.Statement 2. C.Statement 3. C is correct.Statement 3 provis the most support for a strong governanrating. The statement scribes the manner in whithe aut committee shoulwork. The other two statements not support a strong governanrating eacasts uabout the inpennof the boarfrom management’s control. B为什么不对?

2022-03-20 16:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601200500004704 2为什么不选呢?

2021-12-21 14:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601200500004704 老师好, 我看B说的挺好的啊,确保50%的董事是独立的,之前在这个公司工作过但现在已经不任职了我觉得又独立又有相关经验。 而C内部审计我也是有些犹豫的,我最后敲定B是因为我想了下,审计委员会指示董事会的一个二线分支,如果董事不独立,审计委员会就算再吵吵也没人听,而且董事会的人有权把审计委员会的人换掉。 请老师帮忙解答下,谢谢老师。

2021-07-22 23:37 3 · 回答

NO.PZ201601200500004704 Statement 2. Statement 3. C is correct. Statement 3 provis the most support for a strong governanrating. The statement scribes the manner in whithe aut committee shoulwork. The other two statements not support a strong governanrating eacasts uabout the inpennof the boarfrom management’s control. 第一个为何不对?    

2021-06-08 16:14 1 · 回答