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BBQ · 2020年10月10日



Money neutrality believes that a 10% decrease in money supply will



decrease the price level by 10%.


have no effects on price level.


decrease the production quantity by 10%


A is correct. Money neutrality refers to that the real variables, such as real GDP, will not be affected by money supply. Therefore, a 10% decrease in money supply will decrease the price level by 10%.



想问一下money supply减少 为什么price level会降低呢?

1 个答案

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年10月10日




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NO.PZ2016010801000074 问题如下 Money neutrality believes tha 10% crease in money supply will A.crease the prilevel 10%. B.have no effects on prilevel. C.crease the proction quantity 10% A is correct. Money neutrality refers to ththe revariables, sureG, will not affectemoney supply. Therefore, a 10% crease in money supply will crease the prilevel 10%.考点货币中性解析货币中性是指不受货币供应量影响的真实变量,如实际G。因此,货币供应量减少10%,价格水平就会下降10%。 如果货币中性是MS不影响实际产出,只影响通胀,从而影响价格的话,原等式nominrate=rerate+E(I),Rnom是要随着E(I)的上涨而上涨的,但是如何量化成MS变动10%,价格也变动10%呢,而Rnom是money的价格,那么到底MS→E(I)→Price这个链条上是还有什么公式课堂中没介绍吗?

2023-10-13 00:53 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000074 问题如下 Money neutrality believes tha 10% crease in money supply will A.crease the prilevel 10%. B.have no effects on prilevel. C.crease the proction quantity 10% A is correct. Money neutrality refers to ththe revariables, sureG, will not affectemoney supply. Therefore, a 10% crease in money supply will crease the prilevel 10%.考点货币中性解析货币中性是指不受货币供应量影响的真实变量,如实际G。因此,货币供应量减少10%,价格水平就会下降10%。 货币供应减少按常理来理解不应该是价格会上升吗?供应跟需求不是成反向关系的吗

2023-07-09 08:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000074问题如下Money neutrality believes tha 10% crease in money supply will A.crease the prilevel 10%. B.have no effects on prilevel. C.crease the proction quantity 10% A is correct. Money neutrality refers to ththe revariables, sureG, will not affectemoney supply. Therefore, a 10% crease in money supply will crease the prilevel 10%.考点货币中性解析货币中性是指不受货币供应量影响的真实变量,如实际G。因此,货币供应量减少10%,价格水平就会下降10%。老师您好,请问这里对应的考点是什么呢?是在PPT哪里呢?

2022-04-06 11:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000074问题如下Money neutrality believes tha 10% crease in money supply will A.crease the prilevel 10%. B.have no effects on prilevel. C.crease the proction quantity 10% A is correct. Money neutrality refers to ththe revariables, sureG, will not affectemoney supply. Therefore, a 10% crease in money supply will crease the prilevel 10%.考点货币中性解析货币中性是指不受货币供应量影响的真实变量,如实际G。因此,货币供应量减少10%,价格水平就会下降10%。货币供给量减少难道不是应该导致价格提高吗?供给和价格之间不是减函数吗?

2022-04-02 12:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000074 have no effects on prilevel. crease the proction quantity 10% A is correct. Money neutrality refers to ththe revariables, sureG, will not affectemoney supply. Therefore, a 10% crease in money supply will crease the prilevel 10%. 考点货币中性 解析货币中性是指不受货币供应量影响的真实变量,如实际G。因此,货币供应量减少10%,价格水平就会下降10%。 如题,这道题还是没明白为什么货币供给减少,而价格水平降低了?并且在书上也没找到对应知识点

2022-03-06 22:17 1 · 回答