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Pina · 2020年10月02日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干


8. Should Honoré have estimated the models in Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2 using probit or logit models instead of traditional regression analysis?



Both should be estimated with probit or logit models.


Neither should be estimated with probit or logit models.


Only the analysis in Exhibit 1 should be done with probit or logit models.


B is correct. Probit and logit models are used for models with qualitative dependent variables, such as models in which the dependent variable can have one of two discreet outcomes (i.e., 0 or 1). The analysis in the two exhibits are explaining security returns, which are continuous (not 0 or 1) variables.

老师好 一般什么情况下要用probit and logit models?谢谢

1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2020年10月08日


当题干描述Y为二值变量的时候,也就是Y的选择只有两种可能性的时候(比如要么outperform,要么非outperform),需要使用probit model或者logit model

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  • 2

  • 665


NO.PZ201709270100000208 问题如下 8. ShoulHonoré have estimatethe mols in Exhibit 1 anExhibit 2 using probit or logit mols insteof trationregression analysis? Both shoulestimatewith probit or logit mols. Neither shoulestimatewith probit or logit mols. Only the analysis in Exhibit 1 shoulne with probit or logit mols. B is correct. Probit anlogit mols are usefor mols with qualitative pennt variables, sumols in whithe pennt variable chave one of two screet outcomes (i.e., 0 or 1). The analysis in the two exhibits are explaining security returns, whiare continuous (not 0 or 1) variables. Exhibit 2.....establish whether bonmarket returns (proxiereturns of long-term US Treasuries) anstomarket returns(proxiereturns of the S P 500 Inx) explain the returns of a portfolio of utility stocks being recommento clients.这句话的意思不是说,是否bonmarket returns和stomarket returns可以什么什么吗?答案不就是要么能,要么不能吗?这个不是逻辑函数吗?

2022-12-09 12:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201709270100000208 请问,因为两个模型都用了WHETHER这个变量作为PENNT VARIABLE,那为什么不能属于Probit anlogit,答案也可以是O 或者1呀, 1 就是YES, O 就是NO。谢谢

2021-04-07 10:51 1 · 回答

Neither shoulestimatewith probit or logit mols. Only the analysis in Exhibit 1 shoulne with probit or logit mols. B is correct. Probit anlogit mols are usefor mols with qualitative pennt variables, sumols in whithe pennt variable chave one of two screet outcomes (i.e., 0 or 1). The analysis in the two exhibits are explaining security returns, whiare continuous (not 0 or 1) variables. Exhibits 1的mmy variable 不是选0和1吗?为什么不能选,谢谢

2020-06-01 15:26 1 · 回答

Exhibit2验证的不是whether bonmarket return anstomarket return explain the return of a portfolio…不应该是定性的Y?虽然没有这个

2019-04-11 21:14 1 · 回答