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SUN · 2020年10月02日

问一道题:NO.PZ201809170400000606 第6小题 [ CFA III ]

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Which of Garcia’s statements regarding investing with long–short and long-only managers is correct?



Only Statement 1


Only Statement 2


Both Statement 1 and Statement 2


C is correct. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct.

Statement 1 is correct because, similar to a long-only portfolio, a long–short portfolio can be structured to have a gross exposure of 100%. Gross exposure of the portfolio is calculated as the sum of the long positions and the absolute value of the short positions, expressed as percentages of the portfolio’s capital.

Gross exposure = Long positions + |Short positions|

Gross exposure long-only portfolio = 100% (Long positions) + 0% (Short positions) = 100%

Gross exposure long–short portfolio = 50% (Long positions) + |–50%| (Short positions) = 100%

Statement 2 is correct because long-only investing generally offers greater investment capacity than other approaches, particularly when using strategies that focus on large-cap stocks. For large institutional investors such as pension plans, there are no effective capacity constraints in terms of the total market cap available for long-only investing.

long only的capacity更大怎么理解。我看之前老师的解释说流动性好的时候long only可以买很大的量而不受影响。这个不应该是large cap的优点吗?

1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2020年10月07日


同学,我们这里比的是各种策略的investment capacity,investment capacity指的是你能够实现你投资判断的能力,因为short position的限制会更多(很多股票不允许卖空),也就是long-short碰到不能做交易的概率会更大。而long only 不会有想买而买不到的问题,特别当它是针对大盘股做long only。

因为相比小盘股,大盘股交易量大、流动性好(这两点确实是large cap的特点),你要是看涨,long 大盘股的股票是不会收到任何限制的。而小盘股呢,你认为某只股票被低估,想买入,但可能买不到。


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NO.PZ201809170400000606问题如下 Whiof Garcia’s statements regarng investing with long–short anlong-only managers is correct? Only Statement 1 Only Statement 2 Both Statement 1 anStatement 2 C is correct. Both Statement 1 anStatement 2 are correct. Statement 1 is correbecause, similto a long-only portfolio, a long–short portfolio cstructureto have a gross exposure of 100%. Gross exposure of the portfolio is calculatethe sum of the long positions anthe absolute value of the short positions, expressepercentages of the portfolio’s capital. Gross exposure = Long positions + |Short positions| Gross exposure long-only portfolio = 100% (Long positions) + 0% (Short positions) = 100% Gross exposure long–short portfolio = 50% (Long positions) + |–50%| (Short positions) = 100% Statement 2 is correbecause long-only investing generally offers greater investment capacity thother approaches, particularly when using strategies thfocus on large-cstocks. For large institutioninvestors supension plans, there are no effective capacity constraints in terms of the totmarket cavailable for long-only investing. 请问 statement2知识点在讲义哪里?

2022-07-11 12:00 1 · 回答


2019-03-22 23:42 1 · 回答


2019-03-10 17:58 1 · 回答

第二个statement不是很理解,为什么long only 有更大的capacity?

2019-02-25 18:25 1 · 回答