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临江仙 · 2020年09月23日



A stock has an expected return of 15% and a volatility of 20%. The current price of the stock is USD 50, estimate 99% confidence for the price in six months.



Here, the time period is longer, and we should work

with lognormal distributions. From Equations (15.2) and

(15.3), the logarithm of the stock price has mean:

ln(50) + (0.15 - 0.220.2^2/2) x 0.5 = 3.9770

and standard deviation:

0.2*0.5\sqrt{0.5} = 0.1414

We are 99% certain that:

3.9770 - N1N^{-1}(0.995) x 0.1414 < ln(Sr) < 3.9770

+ N1N^{-1} (0.995) X 0.1414


3.6127 < ln(Sr) < 4.3413

so that:

e3.6127e^{3.6127} < Sr < e4.3413e^{4.3413}



一直有个疑问,lnS的公式中,均值为 lnS0+(μ-0.5*(σ^2))


题目中的expected return到底是μ,还是E(R)=μ-0.5*(σ^2)


1 个答案

小刘_品职助教 · 2020年09月24日


Return~N(μ-0.5*(σ^2),σ/[(T)^0.5]) 这个里面指的是对数收益率,即ln(St/St-1)

题目中告诉的expected return 是μ,(S1-S0)/S0

  • 1

  • 0

  • 406


NO.PZ2020021205000061问题如下A stohexpectereturn of 15% ana volatility of 20%. The current priof the stois US50, estimate 99% confinfor the priin six months.Here, the time periois longer, anwe shoulworkwith lognormstributions. From Equations (15.2) an15.3), the logarithm of the stoprihmean:ln(50) + (0.15 - 0.220.2^20.22/2) x 0.5 = 3.9770anstanrviation:0.2*0.5\sqrt{0.5}0.5​ = 0.1414We are 99% certain that:3.9770 - N−1N^{-1}N−1(0.995) x 0.1414 ln(Sr) 3.9770+ N−1N^{-1}N−1 (0.995) X 0.1414or3.6127 ln(Sr) 4.3413so that:e3.6127e^{3.6127}e3.6127 Sr e4.3413e^{4.3413}e4.3413or37.1 Sr 76.8老师好, N−1(0.995) 就是正态分布右尾的分位点2.58对吧?

2024-06-28 15:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020021205000061问题如下A stohexpectereturn of 15% ana volatility of 20%. The current priof the stois US50, estimate 99% confinfor the priin six months.Here, the time periois longer, anwe shoulworkwith lognormstributions. From Equations (15.2) an15.3), the logarithm of the stoprihmean:ln(50) + (0.15 - 0.220.2^20.22/2) x 0.5 = 3.9770anstanrviation:0.2*0.5\sqrt{0.5}0.5​ = 0.1414We are 99% certain that:3.9770 - N−1N^{-1}N−1(0.995) x 0.1414 ln(Sr) 3.9770+ N−1N^{-1}N−1 (0.995) X 0.1414or3.6127 ln(Sr) 4.3413so that:e3.6127e^{3.6127}e3.6127 Sr e4.3413e^{4.3413}e4.3413or37.1 Sr 76.8非标准正态分布关键值是如何计算的。谢谢

2023-03-04 16:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020021205000061 问题如下 A stohexpectereturn of 15% ana volatility of 20%. The current priof the stois US50, estimate 99% confinfor the priin six months. Here, the time periois longer, anwe shoulworkwith lognormstributions. From Equations (15.2) an15.3), the logarithm of the stoprihmean:ln(50) + (0.15 - 0.220.2^20.22/2) x 0.5 = 3.9770anstanrviation:0.2*0.5\sqrt{0.5}0.5​ = 0.1414We are 99% certain that:3.9770 - N−1N^{-1}N−1(0.995) x 0.1414 ln(Sr) 3.9770+ N−1N^{-1}N−1 (0.995) X 0.1414or3.6127 ln(Sr) 4.3413so that:e3.6127e^{3.6127}e3.6127 Sr e4.3413e^{4.3413}e4.3413or37.1 Sr 76.8 N^-1(0.995) 是怎么从99%confince得出来的?能写下过程吗?谢谢。

2022-09-11 09:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020021205000061 St属于logN函数(s*e^ut,s^2*e*(2ut)*(e*(t*sigma^2)-1))? 1、可以用这个算吗? 2、用这个算完,均值是53.89? 3、用这个算完,方差是58.68? 4、如果上面3个都是对的,那左偏2.58个标准差后是34.16、右偏2.58个标准差后是73.63? 5、我真的搞不太懂ln(St)、St、R这三个分布的关系,就是什么时候题目用哪个?各自的分布中均值和方差我都知道,我也知道其实是可以互换的,可是感觉一道题目如果用不同的分布算出来的数字不一样呀!

2021-03-20 21:48 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020021205000061 从将以来看,sigma*√T,应该是方差吧?我记得quant里学正态分布的时候,不是说这里写的是方差吗?怎么从答案解析来看,是标准差?

2021-03-20 21:25 2 · 回答