The Red family has the investable assets of $1.2 million. Tom, the portfolio manager of the Red family, finds that a portfolio of 70% global equities and 30% bonds reflects an appropriate balance of expected return and risk for the Red with respect to a 25-year time horizon for the moderately important goals. Tom follows a goal-based approach to asset allocation and offers three possible portfolios to consider.
The Red express a high probability of success to fund a family foundation in 25 years, which has an estimated present value of $400,000. Which portfolio best meets the Reds’ goal to fund the family foundation?
A.Portfolio 1
B.Portfolio 2
C.Portfolio 3
B is correct.
考点:goal-based approach.
解析:Portfolio 1中现金和债券占比过高,而family foundation有长达25年的实现期限,所以A可以排除。
另一方面,family foundation的实现意愿为high probability of success , 重要程度较高 ,但不是最高程度的,因此可以承担一定风险。 Portfolio 2相比3股票的占比更高,因此有一定的价值成长空间。而Portfolio 3中hedge fund占比最高,风险最大,对于 foundation的成功概率会有影响。
关于这道题:25年期间的回报率是33%,如果换算成年回报率的话是1.33的1/25次方-1,所以年化的回报率是1.15%,非常低,为什么不选择Porofilio 1,很稳啊且达到目标概率超高。