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王垚 · 2020年09月01日



The total interest costs of a bank are 65 million, the total funds raised is 1000 million, of which 750 million is earning assets. The other operating costs is 10 million. The tax rate is 35%. Stockholders’ investment of the bank is 100 million. Assume the required rate of return of the stockholders’ investment is 12%.

According to the information above and use the historical average cost approach, what is the weighted average overall cost of capital?











考点:对Managing Non-deposit Liabilities的理解



Breakeven cost rate on borrowed funds invested in earning assets = (Interest + other operating costs) / All earning assets = (65+10)/750 = 10%

Weighted average overall cost of capital = breakeven cost on borrowed funds + before-tax cost of the stockholders’ investment

= breakeven cost + after-tax cost of stockholders’ investment/(1-tax rate) × Stockholders’ invest/ Earning assets

=10% + 12%/(1-0.35)×100/750 = 12.5%

What does step 1 do in this calculation re the teaching notes. I.e. Calculate weighted avg interest exp. Tks

1 个答案

袁园_品职助教 · 2020年09月02日


In the teaching material, Step 1, as you mentioned, is calculating weighted avg interest exp. because we're aked to; another reason I guess it to let you compare with the concept of breakeven cost rate

Here we didn't do that because we're asked to calculate weighted average overall cost of capital and the weighted avg interest exp. is not an essential part.

Btw, next time if you wanna ask something in teachaing material, please kindly attched the page here or tell us exactly where it is, so that we could speed up the Q&A. Thx!

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NO.PZ2020042003000114 问题如下 The totinterest costs of a bank are 65million, the totfun raiseis 1000 million, of whi750 million isearning assets. The other operating costs is 10 million. The trate is 35%.Stockholrs’ investment of the bank is 100 million. Assume the requirerateof return of the stockholrs’ investment is 12%.Accorng to the information above anusethe historicaverage cost approach, whis the weighteaverage overall costof capital? 10% 12.5% 13.5% 7.5% 考点对Managing Non-posit Liabilities的理解答案B解析Breakeven cost rate on borrowefuninvestein earning assets = (Interest + other operating costs) / All earningassets = (65+10)/750 = 10% Weighteaverage overall cost of capit=breakeven cost on borrowefun + before-tcost of the stockholrs’investment= breakeven cost + after-tcost ofstockholrs’ investment/(1-trate) × Stockholrs’invest/ Earning assets =10% + 12%/(1-0.35)×100/750 = 12.5% 老师这道题里面对于euquity的require rate 没说是税前还是税后,解析好像直接默认按照税后来算的

2023-08-03 13:54 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020042003000114 12.5% 13.5% 7.5% 考点对Managing Non-posit Liabilities的理解 答案B 解析 Breakeven cost rate on borrowefuninvestein earning assets = (Interest + other operating costs) / All earningassets = (65+10)/750 = 10% Weighteaverage overall cost of capit=breakeven cost on borrowefun + before-tcost of the stockholrs’investment = breakeven cost + after-tcost ofstockholrs’ investment/(1-trate) × Stockholrs’invest/ Earning assets =10% + 12%/(1-0.35)×100/750 = 12.5% 这里为什么不能用上课讲的(12%*750-65-10)*(1-35%)/100

2021-05-11 15:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020042003000114 就是WACC=wr(1-trate)+we*re

2021-05-03 20:19 2 · 回答


2020-11-16 22:49 1 · 回答