Steve is considering adding FINTA, a fast growing medical devices company to his portfolio. According to FINTA’s management guidance, when the company turns profitable, it will invest in new product development; as a result, it does not expect to initiate a dividend for an extended period of time. Steve also realizes that certain larger competitors will become interested in acquiring FINTA because of its excellent growth prospects. Based on the given information, which valuation model would Steve most likely use to estimate the value of FINTA?
A. Free cash flow
B. Dividend discount
C. P/E relative valuation
A is correct.
考点:Selecting the Appropriate Valuation Model
我的思路是因为他不发股利 所以股利折现模型一定不行。第二,当公司开始盈利时(目前是亏损)他会投资新的产品,表示帐上应该没有free cash flow,为什么free cash flow 的模型可以用。最后 为什么相对估值法 不能是研究盈利之后的价值呢 题目也没有问说求的是盈利前还是盈利后的价值。我要怎么知道是求什么时候的价值呢 还是题目写多了 会有一种语感吗