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智商要充值 · 2017年11月22日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016032802000023 [ CFA I ]

2 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2022年05月17日


B是不是错在,前半句,trust company——是的


竹子 · 2017年11月22日

GIPS适用于资产管理公司,而不是为资产管理公司服务的公司。B 选项,serve investment management firms.

稳如泰山 · 2022年05月14日

B是不是错在,前半句,trust company

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NO.PZ2016032802000023 问题如下 GIPS is suitable for whkinof company angives servito whkinof target group? A.GIPS applies to insurancompanies for serving their existing anprospective clients. B.GIPS applies to trust companies issuing securities anserve investment management firms. C.GIPS applies to investment management firms anserve their existing anprospective clients. C is correct.Only investment management firms cchoose whether to comply with the GIPS stanr or not. Anthey serve existing anprospective clients. A,保险公司整个公司遵守不是更好吗,为啥非要单独说是投资部门遵守呢?另外,为啥后面是服务已有或者潜在客户,这个是固定的说法吗?第一反映是,这个是个人,不是公司,不对

2024-08-14 11:26 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032802000023问题如下GIPS is suitable for whkinof company angives servito whkinof target group?A.GIPS applies to insurancompanies for serving their existing anprospective clients.B.GIPS applies to trust companies issuing securities anserve investment management firms.C.GIPS applies to investment management firms anserve their existing anprospective clients.C is correct.Only investment management firms cchoose whether to comply with the GIPS stanr or not. Anthey serve existing anprospective clients.可是这里说Gip是为个人客户服务呀,我理解是为公司

2024-08-14 00:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032802000023 问题如下 GIPS is suitable for whkinof company angives servito whkinof target group? A.GIPS applies to insurancompanies for serving their existing anprospective clients. B.GIPS applies to trust companies issuing securities anserve investment management firms. C.GIPS applies to investment management firms anserve their existing anprospective clients. C is correct.Only investment management firms cchoose whether to comply with the GIPS stanr or not. Anthey serve existing anprospective clients. 保险公司也需要投资业务,是否需要遵守GIPS?上课讲的时候说是要整个公司遵守,所以只要有开设投资部门就应该可以遵守GIPS吧?

2023-06-03 02:34 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032802000023 问题如下 GIPS is suitable for whkinof company angives servito whkinof target group? A.GIPS applies to insurancompanies for serving their existing anprospective clients. B.GIPS applies to trust companies issuing securities anserve investment management firms. C.GIPS applies to investment management firms anserve their existing anprospective clients. C is correct.Only investment management firms cchoose whether to comply with the GIPS stanr or not. Anthey serve existing anprospective clients. their existing anprospective clients.是否可以理解为,保险公司的客户是买保险的人,但遵守GIPS适用的是保险公司的投资部门??

2022-10-23 11:47 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032802000023问题如下GIPS is suitable for whkinof company angives servito whkinof target group?A.GIPS applies to insurancompanies for serving their existing anprospective clients.B.GIPS applies to trust companies issuing securities anserve investment management firms.C.GIPS applies to investment management firms anserve their existing anprospective clients.C is correct.Only investment management firms cchoose whether to comply with the GIPS stanr or not. Anthey serve existing anprospective clients.选的C,但是对A有点疑惑。保险公司如果也开展竞争性业务,也可以选择comply with GIPS不是吗?

2022-08-14 19:27 1 · 回答