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猫猫Tina🐬🐠 · 2020年08月18日



Sophia is a senior manager of a plastic manufacturing corporation, 60-year-old. She has an investment portfolio with $600,000, and 75% is invested in her employer’s stocks. She is cautious and worried about future stock market, therefore, she invests only in which she is familiar with. In her risk tolerance questionnaire, she expresses low risk tolerance and wants to maintain the current value of her assets.

The most effective way to advise Sophia would be:



show her details, such as how to choose stocks by volumes and trend.


report the underperformed and outperformed stocks regularly.


gain her trust and give "big picture" advice.


C is correct.


解析Sophia属于passive preserver对于这一类型的客户无需提供详细的指标分析因为知道得越多她反而越紧张获得Sophia的信任然后提供一些宽泛的建议告诉她如何实现目标,是最有效的方法



1 个答案

Olive_品职助教 · 2020年08月19日


B选项书上并没有明确的原文,从教材的角度,可能更适合用来与II型客户沟通。但是我认为对于其他的客户也并不是不能用,只是B选项缺乏针对性,我们考试的时候肯定是考查每个类型客户的特点,和针对这些特点去做的工作。B选项是没有特别针对某个问题的,不管跟什么客户,report regularly都是可以的,所以这里才不选B的。


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NO.PZ2018091702000023 report the unrperformeanoutperformestocks regularly. gain her trust angive \"big picture\" aice. C is correct. 考点识别投资者类型以及如何沟通 解析Sophia属于passive preserver。对于这一类型的客户,无需提供详细的指标分析,因为知道得越多她反而越紧张,获得Sophia的信任,然后提供一些宽泛的建议,告诉她如何实现目标,,是最有效的方法。 是不是也是因为这段话属于告诉了客户细节?

2021-11-20 13:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091702000023 Sophia is a senior manager of a plastic manufacturing corporation, 60-year-ol She hinvestment portfolio with $600,000, an75% is investein her employer’s stocks. She is cautious anworrieabout future stomarket, therefore, she invests only in whishe is familiwith. In her risk toleranquestionnaire, she expresses low risk tolerananwants to maintain the current value of her assets. The most effective wto aise Sophia woulbe: show her tails, suhow to choose stocks volumes antren report the unrperformeanoutperformestocks regularly. gain her trust angive \"big picture\" aice. C is correct. 考点识别投资者类型以及如何沟通 解析Sophia属于passive preserver。对于这一类型的客户,无需提供详细的指标分析,因为知道得越多她反而越紧张,获得Sophia的信任,然后提供一些宽泛的建议,告诉她如何实现目标,,是最有效的方法。 老师怎么从题干信息判断投资者 passive investor?是看自己开公司还是打工吗?就算是高级投资者也算打工仔,所以是passive investor吗?

2021-07-15 09:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091702000023 Sophia is a senior manager of a plastic manufacturing corporation, 60-year-ol She hinvestment portfolio with $600,000, an75% is investein her employer’s stocks. She is cautious anworrieabout future stomarket, therefore, she invests only in whishe is familiwith. In her risk toleranquestionnaire, she expresses low risk tolerananwants to maintain the current value of her assets. The most effective wto aise Sophia woulbe: show her tails, suhow to choose stocks volumes antren report the unrperformeanoutperformestocks regularly. gain her trust angive \"big picture\" aice. C is correct. 考点识别投资者类型以及如何沟通 解析Sophia属于passive preserver。对于这一类型的客户,无需提供详细的指标分析,因为知道得越多她反而越紧张,获得Sophia的信任,然后提供一些宽泛的建议,告诉她如何实现目标,,是最有效的方法。 1.请问A和B适用何种类型呢? 2.BBK和PBM之间是否是下面这样的对应关系? Aenturer-Guaran-PP Invialist-II Celebrity-FF

2021-02-24 22:35 2 · 回答

report the unrperformeanoutperformestocks regularly. gain her trust angive \"big picture\" aice. C is correct. 考点识别投资者类型以及如何沟通 解析Sophia属于passive preserver。对于这一类型的客户,无需提供详细的指标分析,因为知道得越多她反而越紧张,获得Sophia的信任,然后提供一些宽泛的建议,告诉她如何实现目标,,是最有效的方法。 请问如何看出要从性格分类来解决这道问题呢?我想的是,他只投公司的股票,那不是availability bias吗,是cognitive bias, 所以应该教育她

2020-08-17 20:31 1 · 回答