开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


sarah_xu · 2020年08月16日



National Plastics Corp. is a leading manufacturer of high-quality injection-molded plastic packaging materials used by various industries, primarily food and beverage processing and packaging firms. Zenith TermoPlastics Inc. produces plastic containers and bags. Keith Whelan, who is both chief executive ofcer and chief fnancial ofcer of Zenith, began to consider having Zenith make its own take over bid for National.When Whelan presents Zenith’s proposed takeover to the board of directors the following day, one of the directors made the following statements:

1 Although I am certainly in favor of this takeover, I think we would achieve the greatest value from the acquisition if we offered more stock and less cash

2 If Zenith does not realize the potential synergies of this acquisition in the next five years, I suggest a “spin-off” as a means to recover some of the money lost in this venture.

3 A positive initial market reaction will confrm that we did not overpay for National.

Which of the statements made by the member of the Board of Directors is most accurate?



Statement 2


Statement 1


Statement 3


C is correct. Initial market reaction is an important barometer for the value investors place on the gains from merging as well as an indication of future returns.

A is incorrect. A spin-off does not generate cash for the parent company.

B is incorrect. The more of the merger that is paid for by stock, the more that the risks and benefts of realizing these synergies (assuming they really exist) will be passed on to the target shareholders—hence a lower beneft will result if more stock is used.

1 Although I am certainly in favor of this takeover, I think we would achieve the greatest value from the acquisition if we offered more stock and less cash这句话我理解的是因为我是赞成并购的,所以我用更多股,少现金,可以获取更大价值,哪里不对吗

3 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2020年08月18日





  • 是的,Statement 1 的关键词是 “if we offered more stock and less cash”
  • offered, 不是 received, 可见是从收购方的角度考虑哈

Yan · 2021年02月20日


王琛_品职助教 · 2021年02月20日

> 这个可以从收购方角度理解么?我看题干,感觉要从目标公司角度去理解呀

- 是从收购方角度理解,一个角度是我之前写的,另一个角度,从题干对公司和人物的描写也可以出来
- 现在是 Z 公司收购 N 公司,W 同学是 Z 公司的 CEO 和 CFO,三个 statements 都是 Z 公司的一个董事做出的哈

王琛_品职助教 · 2020年08月17日



  • 这道题考察的是 method of payment
  • 如果我们看好一个并购,我们应该采取的是现金收购,相当于对方拿钱走人了,以后跟他没关系了
  • 如果使用股票的话,未来并购大获成功,人家还会和你一起分享一杯羹


  1. 基础班讲义 P188
  2. 同题问答:https://class.pzacademy.com/qa/45966

  • 3

  • 2

  • 791


NO.PZ2018101501000126 问题如下 NationPlastiCorp. is a leang manufacturer of high-quality injection-molplastic packaging materials usevarious instries, primarily fooanbeverage processing anpackaging firms. Zenith TermoPlastiInproces plastic containers anbags. Keith Whelan, who is both chief executive officer anchief fnanciofficer of Zenith, begto consir having Zenith make its own take over bifor National.When Whelpresents Zenith’s proposetakeover to the boarof rectors the following y, one of the rectors ma the following statements:1 Although I certainly in favor of this takeover, I think we woulachieve the greatest value from the acquisition if we offeremore stoanless cash 2 If Zenith es not realize the potentisynergies of this acquisition in the next five years, I suggest a “spin-off” a means to recover some of the money lost in this venture. 3 A positive initimarket reaction will confirm thwe not overpfor National. Whiof the statements ma the member of the Boarof rectors is most accurate? A.Statement 2 B.Statement 1 C.Statement 3 C is correct. Initimarket reaction is important barometer for the value investors plaon the gains from merging well incation of future returns.A is incorrect. A spin-off es not generate cash for the parent company.B is incorrect. The more of the merger this paifor stock, the more ththe risks anbenefts of realizing these synergies (assuming they really exist) will passeon to the target shareholrs—hena lower beneft will result if more stois use Statement 2,老师可以帮忙一下吗?

2022-08-04 22:06 1 · 回答

Statement 1 Statement 3 C is correct. Initimarket reaction is important barometer for the value investors plaon the gains from merging well incation of future returns. A is incorrect. A spin-off es not generate cash for the parent company. B is incorrect. The more of the merger this paifor stock, the more ththe risks anbenefts of realizing these synergies (assuming they really exist) will passeon to the target shareholrs—hena lower beneft will result if more stois use老师,我看到你在其他同学问题的回答了,我也明白你说的意思。但是这应该是两个角度。你说的是如何选择支付方式。而题目里也说了是value最大,这应该没问题啊,李老师课件例题也算了也说了,就是全stock的时候value最大啊…所以我还是不太理解。

2022-07-26 17:56 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018101501000126 spin off 和split off 是不是都没有cash flow的流入?

2022-01-17 21:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018101501000126 从哪里可以看出来这2家公司是母子关系

2021-05-31 23:24 1 · 回答