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Dinny · 2020年08月15日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干


8. Based on Exhibit 5, for which company would the regression of stock prices on oil prices be expected to yield valid coefficients that could be used to estimate the long-term relationship between stock price and oil price?



Company #1


Company #2


Company #3


B is correct. When two time series have a unit root but are co-integrated, the error term in the linear regression of one time series on the other will be covariance stationary. Exhibit 5 shows that the series of stock prices of Company #2 and the oil prices both contain a unit root, and the two time series are co-integrated. As a result, the regression coefficients and standard errors are consistent and can be used for hypothesis tests. Although the cointegrated regression estimates the long-term relation between the two series, it may not be the best model of the short-term relationship.

Exhibit 5 shows that the series of stock prices of Company #2 and the oil prices both contain a unit root, and the two time series are co-integrated.

请问 如何通过Exhibit 5 看出来他们含有单位根?

1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2020年08月15日


这个是直接读表格读出来的,Exhibit 5的第一列“unit root”表明了company 1和2有单位根,而company 3没有单位根

  • 1

  • 0

  • 584


NO.PZ201709270100000508 Company #2 Company #3 B is correct. When two time series have a unit root but are co-integrate the error term in the lineregression of one time series on the other will covarianstationary. Exhibit 5 shows ththe series of stoprices of Company #2 anthe oil prices both contain a unit root, anthe two time series are co-integrate a result, the regression coefficients anstanrerrors are consistent ancusefor hypothesis tests. Although the cointegrateregression estimates the long-term relation between the two series, it mnot the best mol of the short-term relationship. 假如company 3: no unit root, no sericorrelation ,是否就可以选择了

2022-02-23 08:42 1 · 回答

Company #2 Company #3 B is correct. When two time series have a unit root but are co-integrate the error term in the lineregression of one time series on the other will covarianstationary. Exhibit 5 shows ththe series of stoprices of Company #2 anthe oil prices both contain a unit root, anthe two time series are co-integrate a result, the regression coefficients anstanrerrors are consistent ancusefor hypothesis tests. Although the cointegrateregression estimates the long-term relation between the two series, it mnot the best mol of the short-term relationship. 题目问的是什么意思?没看懂

2020-02-23 23:53 1 · 回答

    company #3没有unit root,就算X、Y之间不协整,也可以做多元回归分析吧?

2019-05-24 13:23 3 · 回答

请问company1之所以不入选和他有arch现象有联系么?判断三家公司都不constant的点是在他们都有 sericorrelation of error term的缘故么?从哪里可以看出有过单位根的情况?

2019-02-25 21:23 1 · 回答