NO.PZ201709270100000401 问题如下 1.Baseon Exhibit 1, the precteWTI oil prifor October 2015 using the linetrenmol is closest to: $29.15. $74.77. C.$103.10. C is correct. The prectevalue for periot from a linetrenis calculateasy∧t=b∧0+b∧1(t{\overset\wee y}_t={\overset\wee b}_0+{\overset\wee b}_1(ty∧t=b∧0+b∧1(tOctober 2015 is the seconmonth out of sample, or t = 183. So, the prectevalue for October 2015 is calculateasy∧t{\overset\wee y}_ty∧t = 28.3278 + 0.4086(183) = $103.10.Therefore, the precteWTI oil prifor October 2015 baseon the linetrenmol is $103.10. 从哪里可以得出t=183这个结论
NO.PZ201709270100000401问题如下 1.Baseon Exhibit 1, the precteWTI oil prifor October 2015 using the linetrenmol is closest to: $29.15. $74.77. C.$103.10. C is correct. The prectevalue for periot from a linetrenis calculateasy∧t=b∧0+b∧1(t{\overset\wee y}_t={\overset\wee b}_0+{\overset\wee b}_1(ty∧t=b∧0+b∧1(tOctober 2015 is the seconmonth out of sample, or t = 183. So, the prectevalue for October 2015 is calculateasy∧t{\overset\wee y}_ty∧t = 28.3278 + 0.4086(183) = $103.10.Therefore, the precteWTI oil prifor October 2015 baseon the linetrenmol is $103.10. 表2貌似有自相关的迹象,是否应该是用AR2计算?
想请问老师,这里Linetrenmol: Oil pricet = b0 + b1t+ et有个et不用管的么~?
请问,intercept有两行数据,下面那行负数是什么意思啊。 另外,t(Tren这是什么表示方法,第一眼看上去不知道它指的是b1