在n大于30时也可以使用t test 吗?怎么用?
NO.PZ2015120604000128 问题如下 Assume the population is nonnormally stribute the varianis unknown but the sample size is more th30. Cwe use z-criticvalue to construconfinintervals? A.Yes B.No C.Uncertain A is correct.Unr the contions given in the question, either the t-criticvalue or the z-criticvalue is acceptable for constructing confinintervals.根据题目中所提供得条件,t 临界值或 z 临界值都可以用于构建置信区间。(总体)方差已知用z,(总体)方差未知用t,非正态大样本用z或t都可以。 No.PZ2015120604000128 (选择题)来源: 品职出题Assume the population is nonnormally stribute the varianis unknown but the sample size is more th30. Cwe use z-criticvalue to construconfinintervals?课上说的是总体方差已知用Z,未知用T。这里虽然方差未知但又可以用Z。请问有没有比较全面的对于所有情况应该用t还是z的梳理?
NO.PZ2015120604000128问题如下 Assume the population is nonnormally stribute the varianis unknown but the sample size is more th30. Cwe use z-criticvalue to construconfinintervals? A.YesB.NoC.Uncertain A is correct.Unr the contions given in the question, either the t-criticvalue or the z-criticvalue is acceptable for constructing confinintervals.根据题目中所提供得条件,t 临界值或 z 临界值都可以用于构建置信区间。(总体)方差已知用z,(总体)方差未知用t,非正态大样本用z或t都可以。 老师我想问下,这个z分布和t分布用于估算整体非正态分布的样本统计量,不是只适用于平均值吗?题目中没有提到估算何种样本统计量,为什么就能确定可以使用z分布或者t分布,如果是估算中位数呢?
NO.PZ2015120604000128问题如下 Assume the population is nonnormally stribute the varianis unknown but the sample size is more th30. Cwe use z-criticvalue to construconfinintervals? A.YesB.NoC.Uncertain A is correct.Unr the contions given in the question, either the t-criticvalue or the z-criticvalue is acceptable for constructing confinintervals.根据题目中所提供得条件,t 临界值或 z 临界值都可以用于构建置信区间。(总体)方差已知用z,(总体)方差未知用t,非正态大样本用z或t都可以。 题干是不是不严谨?应该是检验总体均值的时候可以不管总体的分布吧?
NO.PZ2015120604000128 如题。。。。。。。。。。。