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Pina · 2020年08月01日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干


4. The recent change in Country #3’s breakeven inflation rate suggests that the expected rate of inflation over the next three years is:



less than 2.0%.


equal to 2.0%.


greater than 2.0%.


A is correct.

The difference, or spread, between the yields on the country’s three-year default-free nominal and on the default-free real zero-coupon bonds is 2.0%. This spread is known as the breakeven rate of inflation (BEI), which is composed of the expected rate of inflation plus a risk premium for the uncertainty of future inflation. Because this risk premium component is most likely positive, because investors are unlikely to be very confident in their ability to predict inflation accurately, the expected rate of inflation component would be less than 2.0%.

考点:breakeven rate of inflation (BEI)

解析:3 year default-free nominal bond与 default-free real zero-coupon bonds的利差是breakeven inflation rate,根据正文,breakeven inflation rate=2%。

而breakeven inflation rate=expected inflation + risk premium for the uncertainty of future inflation,通常认为risk premium for uncertainty of fututre infaltion是正的,因为不确定性即是风险,对于风险要给予补偿,补偿通常是正的,所以这道题的expected inflation return<2%。

老师好 题目里给的COUNTRY 3 的inflation rate 0,02 是expected inflation rate 是吗 ,if breakeven inflation = 0.02, then unexpected inflation = breakeven inflation - expected inflation rate = 0.02-0.02 = 0 是吗? 谢谢。

1 个答案

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年08月04日


同学你好,这个题目的的题干是在文字表述里: Carlisle observes that the spread between the three-year default-free nominal bond and the default-free real zero-coupon bond in Country #3 is 2.0%.考点在题干中已经明确表示了是BEI,而BEI的定义就是difference between the yield on a default-free nominal bond and on a default-free real bond of the same maturity. 表格可以看成是干扰项。
