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Seabiscuit · 2020年07月29日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016012101000126 [ CFA I ]


The data in Exhibit 1 appear in the five-year summary of a major international company. A business combination with another major manufacturer took place in FY13.

Which of the following choices best describes reasonable conclusions an analyst might make about the company’s liquidity?



Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquidity improved, as indicated by an increase in its debt-to-assets ratio from 0.14 to 0.27.


Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquidity deteriorated, as indicated by a decrease in interest coverage from 10.6 to 8.4.


Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquidity improved, as indicated by an increase in its current ratio from 0.71 to 0.75.


C  is correct.

Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquidity improved, as indicated by an increase in its current ratio from 0.71 [= (316 + 558)/1,223] in FY10 to 0.75 [= (682 + 1,634)/3,108] in FY14. Note, however, comparing only current investments with the level of current liabilities shows a decline in liquidity from 0.26 (= 316/1,223) in FY10 to 0.22 (= 682/3,108) in FY14. Debt-to-assets ratio and interest coverage are measures of solvency not liquidity.

解析:从FY10到FY14,current ratio从0.71变为0.75,显示公司的流动性增强,A和B都是长期偿债能力指标,所以都不对。

b不对是因为interest coverage衡量的是solvency能力吗,ratio是对的

1 个答案

纠纠_品职答疑助手 · 2020年07月30日


Interest coverage 因为是偿债能力所以我们没有去算。同学可以自己算一下

2010年 = 844/80  = 10.55

2014年 = 1579/188 = 8.4



  • 1

  • 0

  • 789


NO.PZ2016012101000126问题如下 The ta in Exhibit 1 appein the five-yesummary of a major internationcompany. A business combination with another major manufacturer took plain FY13.Whiof the following choices best scribes reasonable conclusions analyst might make about the company’s liquity?A.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity improve incateincrease in its bt-to-assets ratio from 0.14 to 0.27.B.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity teriorate incatea crease in interest coverage from 10.6 to 8.4.C.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity improve incateincrease in its current ratio from 0.71 to 0.75.is correct.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity improve incateincrease in its current ratio from 0.71 [= (316 + 558)/1,223] in FY10 to 0.75 [= (682 + 1,634)/3,108] in FY14. Note, however, comparing only current investments with the level of current liabilities shows a cline in liquity from 0.26 (= 316/1,223) in FY10 to 0.22 (= 682/3,108) in FY14. bt-to-assets ratio aninterest coverage are measures of solvennot liquity.解析从FY10到FY14,current ratio从0.71变为0.75,显示公司的流动性增强,A和B都是长期偿债能力指标,所以都不对。对应题目是拿什么除以什么 long term bt/totasset吗

2023-11-09 15:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012101000126问题如下The ta in Exhibit 1 appein the five-yesummary of a major internationcompany. A business combination with another major manufacturer took plain FY13.Whiof the following choices best scribes reasonable conclusions analyst might make about the company’s liquity?A.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity improve incateincrease in its bt-to-assets ratio from 0.14 to 0.27.B.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity teriorate incatea crease in interest coverage from 10.6 to 8.4.C.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity improve incateincrease in its current ratio from 0.71 to 0.75.is correct.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity improve incateincrease in its current ratio from 0.71 [= (316 + 558)/1,223] in FY10 to 0.75 [= (682 + 1,634)/3,108] in FY14. Note, however, comparing only current investments with the level of current liabilities shows a cline in liquity from 0.26 (= 316/1,223) in FY10 to 0.22 (= 682/3,108) in FY14. bt-to-assets ratio aninterest coverage are measures of solvennot liquity.解析从FY10到FY14,current ratio从0.71变为0.75,显示公司的流动性增强,A和B都是长期偿债能力指标,所以都不对。从定义出发,A和B已经错了

2023-06-26 21:15 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012101000126 问题如下 The ta in Exhibit 1 appein the five-yesummary of a major internationcompany. A business combination with another major manufacturer took plain FY13.Whiof the following choices best scribes reasonable conclusions analyst might make about the company’s liquity? A.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity improve incateincrease in its bt-to-assets ratio from 0.14 to 0.27. B.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity teriorate incatea crease in interest coverage from 10.6 to 8.4. C.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity improve incateincrease in its current ratio from 0.71 to 0.75. is correct.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity improve incateincrease in its current ratio from 0.71 [= (316 + 558)/1,223] in FY10 to 0.75 [= (682 + 1,634)/3,108] in FY14. Note, however, comparing only current investments with the level of current liabilities shows a cline in liquity from 0.26 (= 316/1,223) in FY10 to 0.22 (= 682/3,108) in FY14. bt-to-assets ratio aninterest coverage are measures of solvennot liquity.解析从FY10到FY14,current ratio从0.71变为0.75,显示公司的流动性增强,A和B都是长期偿债能力指标,所以都不对。 请问c的分母是什么?

2023-01-26 06:03 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012101000126 问题如下 The ta in Exhibit 1 appein the five-yesummary of a major internationcompany. A business combination with another major manufacturer took plain FY13.Whiof the following choices best scribes reasonable conclusions analyst might make about the company’s liquity? A.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity improve incateincrease in its bt-to-assets ratio from 0.14 to 0.27. B.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity teriorate incatea crease in interest coverage from 10.6 to 8.4. C.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity improve incateincrease in its current ratio from 0.71 to 0.75. is correct.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity improve incateincrease in its current ratio from 0.71 [= (316 + 558)/1,223] in FY10 to 0.75 [= (682 + 1,634)/3,108] in FY14. Note, however, comparing only current investments with the level of current liabilities shows a cline in liquity from 0.26 (= 316/1,223) in FY10 to 0.22 (= 682/3,108) in FY14. bt-to-assets ratio aninterest coverage are measures of solvennot liquity.解析从FY10到FY14,current ratio从0.71变为0.75,显示公司的流动性增强,A和B都是长期偿债能力指标,所以都不对。 comparing only current investments with the level of current liabilities shows a cline in liquity from 0.26 (= 316/1,223) in FY10 to 0.22 (= 682/3,108) in FY14. 这句话是想表达啥,和有关么

2022-11-18 11:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012101000126 问题如下 The ta in Exhibit 1 appein the five-yesummary of a major internationcompany. A business combination with another major manufacturer took plain FY13.Whiof the following choices best scribes reasonable conclusions analyst might make about the company’s liquity? A.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity improve incateincrease in its bt-to-assets ratio from 0.14 to 0.27. B.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity teriorate incatea crease in interest coverage from 10.6 to 8.4. C.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity improve incateincrease in its current ratio from 0.71 to 0.75. is correct.Comparing FY14 with FY10, the company’s liquity improve incateincrease in its current ratio from 0.71 [= (316 + 558)/1,223] in FY10 to 0.75 [= (682 + 1,634)/3,108] in FY14. Note, however, comparing only current investments with the level of current liabilities shows a cline in liquity from 0.26 (= 316/1,223) in FY10 to 0.22 (= 682/3,108) in FY14. bt-to-assets ratio aninterest coverage are measures of solvennot liquity.解析从FY10到FY14,current ratio从0.71变为0.75,显示公司的流动性增强,A和B都是长期偿债能力指标,所以都不对。 如题,除了coverage不是衡量短期流动性之外。这个coverage的数字咋算。。。

2022-11-18 11:13 1 · 回答