Which of the following fee structures most likely decreases the volatility of a portfolio’s net returns?
A.Incentive fees only
Management fees only
Neither incentive fees nor management fees
A is correct.
Because incentive fees are fees charged as a percentage of returns (reducing net gains in positive months and reducing net losses in negative months), its use lowers the standard deviation of realized returns. Charging a management fee (a fixed percentage based on assets) lowers the level of realized return without affecting the standard deviation of the return series.
“incentive会导致投资者的return降低, 但是将incentive fee付给基金经理的同时,也将这部分收益所对应的volatility转给了基金经理。即基金经理在拿钱的同时也拿走了一部分risk。”
基金经理的incentive fee只有有positive return的时候收取,只是多拿走了投资者的收益,怎么会叫作把风险降低了呢?
而对于只领management fee的基金经理来说,保守投资才是最好的,所以return的波动性会降低。