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sarahjia · 2020年07月11日



In spot market, Swiss Franc (CHF) is traded at CHF/EUR 1.1613. In forward market, the 90-day forward rate is CHF/EUR 1.1592. Which of the following statement is most likely correct?



Interest rates are lower in the Euro Zone relative to Switzerland.


Interest rates are higher in the Euro Zone relative to Switzerland.


More CHF is needed to exchange one EUR in the forward market than exchange in the spot market.


B is correct.

Forward rate in CHF/EUR = spot rate* (1+interest rate in Switzerland)/(1+interest rate in Euro Zone). Forward rate is lower than spot rate in CHF/EUR as1.1592<1.1613, therefore Interest rates are higher in the Euro Zone than in Switzerland.

考点:Forward rate

解析:瑞士法郎/欧元远期利率=即期利率*(1+瑞士利率)/(1+欧元区利率)。远期利率低于即期汇率(CHF/EUR =1.1592<1.1613),因此欧元区利率高于瑞士区利率。

“本题考的是下面的公式,题目的意思是现在F小于S, 那么等式右边分子也要小于分母,所以RX小于RY,这就是B答案的含义。”你好老师,助教老师的这个回答我明白,但是解释里面不是把spotrate移到等式右边了吗解释里面,那右边多乘了一个常数还怎么比较呢,谢谢

1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2020年07月11日




这里的3是常数就是SPORT RATE。要保持等式相等,那么X就要大于1.



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  • 0

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NO.PZ2016010801000115 问题如下 In spot market, Swiss Franc (CHF) is traCHF/EUR 1.1613. In forwarmarket, the 90-y forwarrate is CHF/EUR 1.1592. Whiof the following statement is most likely correct? A.Interest rates are lower in the Euro Zone relative to Switzerlan B.Interest rates are higher in the Euro Zone relative to Switzerlan C.More CHF is neeto exchange one EUR in the forwarmarket thexchange in the spot market. B is correct.Forwarrate in CHF/EUR = spot rate* (1+interest rate in Switzerlan/(1+interest rate in Euro Zone). Forwarrate is lower thspot rate in CHF/EUR as1.1592 1.1613, therefore Interest rates are higher in the Euro Zone thin Switzerlan考点Forwarrate解析瑞士法郎/欧元远期利率=即期利率*(1+瑞士利率)/(1+欧元区利率)。远期利率低于即期汇率(CHF/EUR =1.1592 1.1613),因此欧元区利率高于瑞士区利率。 作为price的货币利率高,远期的汇率就会升高作为base的货币利率高,远期的汇率就会降低price的货币利率高,钱应该会从base货币的国家流向price货币的国家啊,应该会升值才对啊?就像现在美国利率高,美元就在升值;这道题Euro的利率高了,1 Euro兑的CHF反而降低了,为什么?

2022-09-17 22:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000115 问题如下 In spot market, Swiss Franc (CHF) is traCHF/EUR 1.1613. In forwarmarket, the 90-y forwarrate is CHF/EUR 1.1592. Whiof the following statement is most likely correct? A.Interest rates are lower in the Euro Zone relative to Switzerlan B.Interest rates are higher in the Euro Zone relative to Switzerlan C.More CHF is neeto exchange one EUR in the forwarmarket thexchange in the spot market. B is correct.Forwarrate in CHF/EUR = spot rate* (1+interest rate in Switzerlan/(1+interest rate in Euro Zone). Forwarrate is lower thspot rate in CHF/EUR as1.1592 1.1613, therefore Interest rates are higher in the Euro Zone thin Switzerlan考点Forwarrate解析瑞士法郎/欧元远期利率=即期利率*(1+瑞士利率)/(1+欧元区利率)。远期利率低于即期汇率(CHF/EUR =1.1592 1.1613),因此欧元区利率高于瑞士区利率。 老师,C能否展开说下,谢谢。

2022-05-08 08:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000115 90天的远期利率在这里是无用条件吗?为什么呢?

2021-10-19 20:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000115 远期利率低于即期汇率(CHF/EUR =1.1592<1.1613),说明CHF升值了,CHF升值的原因不是因为瑞士区利率上升了需求增加了吗? 远期利率低于即期汇率(CHF/EUR =1.1592<1.1613),为什么能得出【欧元区利率高于瑞士区利率】的结论呢,中间的推理过程是怎样的

2021-10-06 22:59 1 · 回答

Interest rates are higher in the Euro Zone relative to Switzerlan More CHF is neeto exchange one EUR in the forwarmarket thexchange in the spot market. B is correct. Forwarrate in CHF/EUR = spot rate* (1+interest rate in Switzerlan/(1+interest rate in Euro Zone). Forwarrate is lower thspot rate in CHF/EUR as1.1592<1.1613, therefore Interest rates are higher in the Euro Zone thin Switzerlan 考点Forwarrate 解析瑞士法郎/欧元远期利率=即期利率*(1+瑞士利率)/(1+欧元区利率)。远期利率低于即期汇率(CHF/EUR =1.1592<1.1613),因此欧元区利率高于瑞士区利率。 货币贬值难道不是利率降低吗?

2021-07-13 21:59 1 · 回答