开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


Zxxyyy · 2020年06月22日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016040301000031 [ CFA II ]


Long has been asked to be the keynote speaker at an upcoming investment conference. The event is being hosted by one of the third-party investment managers currently used by his pension fund. The manager offers to cover all conference and travel costs for Long and make the conference registrations free for three additional members of his investment management team. To ensure that the conference obtains the best speakers, the host firm has arranged for an exclusive golf outing for the day following the conference on a local championship-caliber course.

Which of the following is least likely to violate Standard I(B)?



Long may accept only the offer to have his conference-related expenses paid by the host firm.


Long may accept the offer to have his conference-related expenses paid and may attend the exclusive golf outing at the expense of the hosting firm.


Long may accept the entire package of incentives offered to speak at this conference.


A is correct.

Answer Standard I(B) –Independence and Objectivity emphasizes the need for members and candidates to maintain their independence and objectivity. Best practices dictate that firms adopt a strict policy not to accept compensation for travel arrangements. At times, however, accepting paid travel would not compromise one’s independence and objectivity. Answers B and C are incorrect because the added benefits—free conference admission for additional staff members and an exclusive golf retreat for the speake—could be viewed as inducements related to the firm’s working arrangements and not solely related to the speaking engagement. Should Long wish to bring other team members or participate in the golf outing, he or his firm should be responsible for the associated fees.

1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2020年06月23日


  • 答案C的意思是,Long可以接受这次会议主办方为他提供的一切服务。
  • 这个很明显是不对的,“admission for additional staff members” “exclusive golf retreat”这些都跟这次会议无关,不是 “Conference-related expense”,所以这些都不能收。
