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vivian_zm · 2020年06月14日



In December 2010, the BCBS published two global standards for liquidity risk, which of the following statements about the two standards is wrong?



For the net stable funding ratio (NSFR), the denominator is calculated from assets and it does not include the off-balance-sheet items.


Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR): ensure banks have sufficient high-quality liquid assets to meet their daily net cumulative cash outflows during an idiosyncratic shock, for a period of one calendar month.


Net stable funding ratio (NSFR): aimed at reducing banks structural liquidity risk by encouraging the use of longer-term funding of assets and other business activities.


NSFR = Amount of stable funding / required amount of stable funding


考点:对LTP in Practice: Managing Contingent Funding Liquidity Risk的理解



选项A错误。在NSFR中,分母的计算是从Assets and off-balance-sheet items requiring funding得到。

请问B选项中为什么是during an idiosyncratic shock啊?不包括系统性风险吗

1 个答案

小刘_品职助教 · 2020年06月14日


可以这么理解一下,LCR是对每个银行的具体要求,其分子是高流动性资产,如果出现了系统性风险,高流动性资产也是变卖不出去的,所以应对的是idiosyncratic shock。

书上这点是比较明确的。First, a Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) to ensure banks have sufficient high quality liquid assets to survive an idiosyncratic shock。

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NO.PZ2020042003000118 问题如下 In cember 2010, the BCpublishetwoglobstanr for liquity risk, whiof the following statements aboutthe two stanr is wrong? For the net stable funng ratio (NSFR), thenominator is calculatefrom assets anit es not inclu theoff-balance-sheet items. Liquity Coverage Ratio(LCR): ensure banks have sufficient high-quality liquiassets to meet theirily net cumulative cash outflows ring iosyncratic shock, for a periof one calenr month. Net stable funng ratio(NSFR): aimerecing banks structurliquity risk encouraging theuse of longer-term funng of assets another business activities. NSFR = Amount of stable funng / requireamount of stable funng 考点对LTP in Practice: Managing ContingentFunng Liquity Risk的理解答案A解析A错误。在NSFR中,分母的计算是从Assets anoff-balance-sheet items requiring funng得到。 Section 13 的讲义上没有关于NSFR的公式,所以我不知道它分子分母是什么。请问这个指标在哪一门课里面还会再提到?

2023-08-29 16:08 1 · 回答

Liquity Coverage Ratio(LCR): ensure banks have sufficient high-quality liquiassets to meet theirily net cumulative cash outflows ring iosyncratic shock, for a periof one calenr month. Net stable funng ratio(NSFR): aimerecing banks structurliquity risk encouraging theuse of longer-term funng of assets another business activities. NSFR = Amount of stable funng / requireamount of stable funng 考点对LTP in Practice: Managing ContingentFunng Liquity Risk的理解 答案A 解析 A错误。在NSFR中,分母的计算是从Assets anoff-balance-sheet items requiring funng得到。 Long term funging of asset 和long term liability 是同一个意思嘛?

2020-10-29 16:18 2 · 回答