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柚柚_柚 · 2020年06月08日

问一道题:NO.PZ2020011303000220 [ FRM I ]


Consider a zero-coupon bond with a face value of USD 100 and a maturity of ten years. What is the effective convexity of the bond when the ten-year rate is 4% with semi-annual compounding? (Consider one basis-point changes and measure rates as decimals.)


The effective convexity is

(67.231190+ 67.3631452×67.297133)/ (67.297133×0.00012)=100.9

Note that more decimal places than those indicated were kept to provide this estimate of convexity.

你好 请问这个价格变动的三个67是怎么得到的呢
1 个答案

袁园_品职助教 · 2020年06月08日


根据 effective convexity 的计算公式,你需要先计算出 V0, V+, V-

例如:V0 = 100/(1+4%/2)^20 = 67.297133


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NO.PZ2020011303000220问题如下Consir a zero-coupon bonwith a favalue of US100 ana maturity of ten years. Whis the effective convexity of the bonwhen the ten-yerate is 4% with semi-annucompounng? (Consir one basis-point changes anmeasure rates cimals.) The effective convexity is (67.231190+ 67.363145-2×67.297133)/ (67.297133×0.00012)=102.53Note thmore cimplaces ththose incatewere kept to provi this estimate of convexity. 题目问一个零息债券的面值是100US期限是10年,当利率是4%,半年付息一次时,effective convexity是多少?effective convexity=(V++ V- -2*V0)/(V0*1bp^2)(67.231190+ 67.363145-2×67.297133)/(67.297133×0.0001^2)=102.53 1bp涨得到V+,1bp跌得到V-,利率一共变动了2bp,为什么除的时候用1bp呢?

2024-08-28 10:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011303000220问题如下 Consir a zero-coupon bonwith a favalue of US100 ana maturity of ten years. Whis the effective convexity of the bonwhen the ten-yerate is 4% with semi-annucompounng? (Consir one basis-point changes anmeasure rates cimals.) The effective convexity is (67.231190+ 67.363145-2×67.297133)/ (67.297133×0.00012)=102.53Note thmore cimplaces ththose incatewere kept to provi this estimate of convexity. 题目问一个零息债券的面值是100US期限是10年,当利率是4%,半年付息一次时,effective convexity是多少?effective convexity=(V++ V- -2*V0)/(V0*1bp^2)(67.231190+ 67.363145-2×67.297133)/(67.297133×0.0001^2)=102.53 答案中利率平方是怎么来的

2023-04-24 21:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011303000220 请问V-和V+用计算器算出来不是答案里的数啊 我是分别求的PMT=0, FV=100,I/Y=2.01 或1.99,N=20,求PV,得出来是67.43和67.165啊。 用求现值公式求出来也是这两个数。 我算的有问题么?

2021-09-07 08:32 1 · 回答