The 2018Q3 value of real GDP growth is .
The 2018Q4 value of real GDP growth is .
What are the forecasts for 2019Q1 – 2019Q4 using the AR(2) model in Table 10.1?
All forecasts are recursively computed starting with the first:
1.765 + 0.319 * 2.564 + 0.114 * 2.793 = 2.90.
The two-step forecast uses the one-step forecast:
1.765 + 0.319 * 2.90 + 0.114 * 2.564 = 2.98.
The three-and four-step depend entirely on other forecasts:
1.765 + 0.319 * 2.98 + 0.114 * 2.90 = 3.05.
1.765 + 0.319 * 3.05 + 0.114 * 2.98 = 3.08.