A delta-neutral position has a gamma of 4,800. A 0.8 delta option has a gamma of 1.8. Which of the following will generate a gamma-neutral position?
A.Sell 8,640 of the options.
B.Buy 8,640 of the options.
C.Sell 2,667 of the options.
D.Buy 2,667 of the options.
C is correct.
考点:Other Greek Letters-Gamma
解析:为了使得gamma-neutral, 需要将现有头寸中4,800 的gamma降到0,因此要卖出期权。现有期权的gamma是1.8,所以需要卖出的数量=4,800/1.8=2,667份。
老师您好,A 0.8 delta option has a gamma of 1.8这句话不是很理解,什么是0.8 delta option?