Portfolio Management讲义的P167页,寿险与投资组合的market risk更相关,此处的投资组合和market risk分别该如何理解,下文提到的相对应的non market risk又该如何理解?
另外,life insurers的annuity 是一种年金,可否举个例子?不太理解。。这里提到的资产与负债的mismatch又该如何理解?
丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年04月07日
同学你好,讲义上关于insurance 的描述为
关于market risk 以及non-market risk,原版书有以下表述:
Life insurance and annuities have stronger ties to the fnancial markets, even
while retaining distinct mortality-based risk profles. Life liabilities are very long and
the reserves that insurers are required to maintain by insurance regulators are highly
dependent on discount rate assumptions. Non-fnancial inputs include assumptions
about mortality and which policyholders will either tap into options in their policy to
add coverage at a given level or cancel their policy. Annuities produce returns based
on fnancial assets, with some extra optionality driven by any life insurance elements
embedded in the policy. Tese activities are paired with long-term investment portfolios in a variety of assets that are designed to help the insurer meet future claims.
相比于财险公司,寿险公司因为其对于未来收益率的假设所以受到市场风险的影响更大,因为寿险公司的投资期会比较长需要折现率算准备的reserve(准备金)。其non-market risk指的是寿险是基于死亡率的测算及,这个假设的不成立也会对寿险公司有影响。