在traditional long-only asset managers中的size of positions是指什么,可否举一个例子?另外,下一段落中的a risk measure more specific to asset management is active share是指什么?
丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年04月07日
同学你好,根据原版书对于size of position的解读:
Position limits: Asset managers use position limits as the most frequent form of
risk control for the portfolios they manage, particularly in fund offering documents that need to be understandable to a broad range of investors. Position limits include restrictions on country, currency, sector, and asset class; they may measure them in absolute terms or relative to a benchmark, and they are almost always expressed as a percentage of the portfolio’s value.
对于Active share: Active share is the measure of that percentage of the portfolio
that differs from the benchmark index.是指投资组合偏离benchmark的部分。