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王子慕卿 · 2020年03月30日



Which of the following statements is a stated purpose of disclosure in Standard VI(C) Referral Fees?



Disclosure will allow the client to request discounted service fees.


Disclosure will help the client evaluate any possible partiality shown in the recommendation of services.


Disclosure means advising a prospective client about the referral arrangement once a formal client relationship has been established.


B is correct.

Answer B gives one of the two primary reasons listed in the Handbook for disclosing referral fees to clients under Standard VI(C) –Referral Fees. (The other is to allow clients and employers to evaluate the full cost of the services.) Answer A is incorrect because Standard VI(C) does not require members or candidates to discount their fees when they receive referral fees. Answer C is inconsistent with Standard VI(C) because disclosure of referral fees, to be effective, should be made to prospective clients before entering into a formal client relationship with them.


1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2020年03月31日


关于Referral fees,可以以例子的形式记忆。

例如,银行的客户经理在推荐理财产品时,会给我们推荐外界基金公司的产品,这时候可能存在介绍费。如果说每卖出理财产品10万,基金公司会给银行的客户经理返还500块,那这个500块就是Referral fees。


所以B选项完全正确。他是说,披露之后,有利于客户评估一下,Recommendation of servies(推荐的服务)是否是存在偏袒(Partiality),也就是不是基于独立客观的。

C选项错误,他说只有Formal client relationship has been estabilished,只有当客户关系建立时,才披露,这点完全错误。

事后披露等于说是把客户拉入坑了才披露介绍费,显然是不行的,需要在介绍产品时,也就是还是潜在客户(prospective clients)、建立客户关系之前,就要做到事先披露。


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NO.PZ2016040303000025 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is a statepurpose of sclosure in StanrVI(– ReferrFees? A.sclosure will allow the client to request scounteservifees. B.sclosure will help the client evaluate any possible partiality shown in the recommention of services. C.sclosure means aising a prospective client about the referrarrangement ona formclient relationship hbeen establishe B is correct.Answer B gives one of the two primary reasons listein the Hanook for sclosing referrfees to clients unr StanrVI(–ReferrFees. (The other is to allow clients anemployers to evaluate the full cost of the services.) Answer A is incorrebecause StanrVI(es not require members or cantes to scount their fees when they receive referrfees. Answer C is inconsistent with StanrVI(because sclosure of referrfees, to effective, shoulma to prospective clients before entering into a formclient relationship with them. A【sclosure will allow the client to request scounteservifees.】 什么意思,为什么不对?

2022-08-22 15:48 1 · 回答

sclosure will help the client evaluate any possible partiality shown in the recommention of services. sclosure means aising a prospective client about the referrarrangement ona formclient relationship hbeen establishe B is correct. Answer B gives one of the two primary reasons listein the Hanook for sclosing referrfees to clients unr StanrVI(–ReferrFees. (The other is to allow clients anemployers to evaluate the full cost of the services.) Answer A is incorrebecause StanrVI(es not require members or cantes to scount their fees when they receive referrfees. Answer C is inconsistent with StanrVI(because sclosure of referrfees, to effective, shoulma to prospective clients before entering into a formclient relationship with them. 这个题 没怎么看懂,可不可以请教研老师整体讲一下呀。

2020-11-02 10:55 1 · 回答