NO.PZ2016031202000009问题如下Is it true ththe expectepayoff of the rivative cscountethe risk-free rate plus a risk premium?A.No, because a combination of a rivative anthe unrlying cproa risk-free asset.B.Yes, because most investors are risk averse, they require a risk premium.C.No, because most investors are risk neutrality, they not neea premium. A is correct. The expectepayoff of the rivative cscountethe risk-free rate, because a rivative ccombinewith asset to proa risk-free position anthe rivative pricobtaineassuming ththe investor is risk neutral.C is incorrebecause most investors are risk averse, however the investor's risk aversion es not affethe rivative price.中文解析题干实际问的是为什么对于衍生品的定价时可以用无风险利率其中的逻辑是这样的首先我们知道一个等式asset+ivative=risk-free asset,即衍生品可以帮助我们消除风险。然而大多数投资者的是风险厌恶型的,即承担多一点的风险需要一个风险补偿。所以按理来说,在定价折现的时候应该加上一个风险补偿。但这个方法对衍生品来说并不适用,原因就在于上面这个公式 asset+ivative=risk-free asset。因为衍生品可以消除资产的风险,以获得一个certain payoff,所以风险厌恶对于衍生品的定价来说是not relevant,我们就可以假设投资者是风险中性的,以无风险利率折现。 请问C为什么不对呢?谢谢!
NO.PZ2016031202000009问题如下 Is it true ththe expectepayoff of the rivative cscountethe risk-free rate plus a risk premium?A.No, because a combination of a rivative anthe unrlying cproa risk-free asset.B.Yes, because most investors are risk averse, they require a risk premium.C.No, because most investors are risk neutrality, they not neea premium. A is correct. The expectepayoff of the rivative cscountethe risk-free rate, because a rivative ccombinewith asset to proa risk-free position anthe rivative pricobtaineassuming ththe investor is risk neutral.C is incorrebecause most investors are risk averse, however the investor's risk aversion es not affethe rivative price.中文解析题干实际问的是为什么对于衍生品的定价时可以用无风险利率其中的逻辑是这样的首先我们知道一个等式asset+ivative=risk-free asset,即衍生品可以帮助我们消除风险。然而大多数投资者的是风险厌恶型的,即承担多一点的风险需要一个风险补偿。所以按理来说,在定价折现的时候应该加上一个风险补偿。但这个方法对衍生品来说并不适用,原因就在于上面这个公式 asset+ivative=risk-free asset。因为衍生品可以消除资产的风险,以获得一个certain payoff,所以风险厌恶对于衍生品的定价来说是not relevant,我们就可以假设投资者是风险中性的,以无风险利率折现。 可以翻译一下题目吗,这个scounte这边不知道如何翻译
NO.PZ2016031202000009 问题如下 Is it true ththe expectepayoff of the rivative cscountethe risk-free rate plus a risk premium? A.No, because a combination of a rivative anthe unrlying cproa risk-free asset. B.Yes, because most investors are risk averse, they require a risk premium. C.No, because most investors are risk neutrality, they not neea premium. A is correct. The expectepayoff of the rivative cscountethe risk-free rate, because a rivative ccombinewith asset to proa risk-free position anthe rivative pricobtaineassuming ththe investor is risk neutral.C is incorrebecause most investors are risk averse, however the investor's risk aversion es not affethe rivative price.中文解析题干实际问的是为什么对于衍生品的定价时可以用无风险利率其中的逻辑是这样的首先我们知道一个等式asset+ivative=risk-free asset,即衍生品可以帮助我们消除风险。然而大多数投资者的是风险厌恶型的,即承担多一点的风险需要一个风险补偿。所以按理来说,在定价折现的时候应该加上一个风险补偿。但这个方法对衍生品来说并不适用,原因就在于上面这个公式 asset+ivative=risk-free asset。因为衍生品可以消除资产的风险,以获得一个certain payoff,所以风险厌恶对于衍生品的定价来说是not relevant,我们就可以假设投资者是风险中性的,以无风险利率折现。 请老师直译一下题目。谢谢!
NO.PZ2016031202000009 Yes, because most investors are risk averse, they require a risk premium. No, because most investors are risk neutrality, they not neea premium. A is correct. The expectepayoff of the rivative cscountethe risk-free rate, because a rivative ccombinewith asset to proa risk-free position anthe rivative pricobtaineassuming ththe investor is risk neutral. C is incorrebecause most investors are risk averse, however the investor's risk aversion es not affethe rivative price. 中文解析 题干实际问的是为什么对于衍生品的定价时可以用无风险利率 其中的逻辑是这样的 首先我们知道一个等式asset+ivative=risk-free asset,即衍生品可以帮助我们消除风险。 然而大多数投资者的是风险厌恶型的,即承担多一点的风险需要一个风险补偿。 所以按理来说,在定价折现的时候应该加上一个风险补偿。 但这个方法对衍生品来说并不适用,原因就在于上面这个公式 asset+ivative=risk-free asset。 因为衍生品可以消除资产的风险,以获得一个certain payoff,所以风险厌恶对于衍生品的定价来说是not relevant,我们就可以假设投资者是风险中性的,以无风险利率折现。 老师,rivative+asset才构成一个无风险组合,而这道题问的不是只有rivative么?跟无风险组合有啥关系呀?
Yes, because most investors are risk averse, they require a risk premium. No, because most investors are risk neutrality, they not neea premium. A is correct. The expectepayoff of the rivative cscountethe risk-free rate, because a rivative ccombinewith asset to proa risk-free position anthe rivative pricobtaineassuming ththe investor is risk neutral. C is incorrebecause most investors are risk averse, however the investor's risk aversion es not affethe rivative price.能否请老师解答一下整个题目。为什么risk free rate+risk premium 不对?和各个有什么关系?