开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


Vicky2019 · 2020年03月29日



Cannan has been working from home on weekends and occasionally saves correspondence with clients and completed work on her home computer. Because of worsening market conditions, Cannan is one of several employees released by her firm. While Cannan is looking for a new job, she uses the files she saved at home to request letters of recommendation from former clients. She also provides to prospective clients some of the reports as examples of her abilities.



Cannan violated the Code and Standards because she did not receive permission from her former employer to keep or use the files after her employment ended.


Cannan did not violate the Code and Standards because the files were created and saved on her own time and computer.


Cannan violated the Code and Standards because she is prohibited from saving files on her home computer.


A is correct.

Answer According to Standard V(C) –Record Retention, Cannan needed the permission of her employer to maintain the files at home after her employment ended. Without that permission, she should have deleted the files. All files created as part of a member’s or candidate’s professional activity are the property of the firm, even those created outside normal work hours. Thus, answer B is incorrect. Answer C is incorrect because the Code and Standards do not prohibit using one’s personal computer to complete work for one’s employer.  


1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2020年03月29日



Firm records or work performed on behalf of the firm that is stored in paper copy or electronically for the member’s or candidate’s convenience
while employed, however, should be erased or returned to the employer unless the firm gives permission to keep those records after employment ends

也就是说,员工图方便会把雇主的信息存在Paper copy上或者electronically存储,离职后需要删掉或者归还给雇主(Erased or return to employer),除非雇主同意带走。




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NO.PZ2016040301000035 问题如下 Cannhbeen working from home on weeken anoccasionally saves corresponnwith clients ancompletework on her home computer. Because of worsening market contions, Cannis one of severemployees releaseher firm. While Cannis looking for a new joshe uses the files she savehome to request letters of recommention from former clients. She also provis to prospective clients some of the reports examples of her abilities. A.Cannviolatethe Co anStanr because she not receive permission from her former employer to keep or use the files after her employment en B.Cannnot violate the Co anStanr because the files were createansaveon her own time ancomputer. C.Cannviolatethe Co anStanr because she is prohibitefrom saving files on her home computer. A is correct.Answer Accorng to StanrV(–RecorRetention, Cannneethe permission of her employer to maintain the files home after her employment en Without thpermission, she shoulhave letethe files. All files createpart of a member’s or cante’s professionactivity are the property of the firm, even those createoutsi normwork hours. Thus, answer B is incorrect. Answer C is incorrebecause the Co anStanr not prohibit using one’s personcomputer to complete work for one’s employer. 老师,请教2个问题1、离职后,在以前公司写的文件、模型、资料等只要取得雇主书面同意,就可以在新公司使用吗?2、那客户名单呢?这个应该无论如何也不能带走和使用的对吗?(默认雇主不会给离职员工书面同意招揽自己的客户)

2024-08-23 18:32 1 · 回答