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王一 · 2020年03月24日

问一道题:NO.PZ2020021204000038 [ FRM I ]


The Eurodollar futures price for a contract that matures in three years is 95.75. The standard deviation of the change in the short rate in one year is 0.8%. the continuously compounded threeyear zero rate is 4.12%, what is the continuously compounded 3.25-year rate?


(0.04255X0.25+0.0412X3)/3.25 = 0.0413 or 4.13%

第一句话是不是代表着,从现在起的第三年开始的为期3个月的期货利率的年化利率是百分之 100➖95.75
1 个答案

袁园_品职助教 · 2020年03月25日


第一句话表示:三年期 eurodollar futures 的年化利率(按照360天算)是 4.25% (100-95.75)

这道题和上一道题 PZ2020021204000037 是连着的

  • 1

  • 0

  • 353


NO.PZ2020021204000038问题如下The Eurollfutures prifor a contrathmatures in three years is 95.75. The stanrviation of the change in the short rate in one yeis 0.8%. the continuously compounthreeyezero rate is 4.12%, whis the continuously compoun3.25-yerate?(0.04255X0.25+0.0412X3)/3.25 = 0.0413 or 4.13%老师好,第一条红线,为什么要把libor转成365天呢?我仔细看了一遍题目,都没提到有treasury之类的表述。第二条红线,为什么按季剥离利率?为什么3.25年的0.25部分是forwarrate?

2024-06-13 15:12 7 · 回答

NO.PZ2020021204000038 问题如下 The Eurollfutures prifor a contrathmatures in three years is 95.75. The stanrviation of the change in the short rate in one yeis 0.8%. the continuously compounthreeyezero rate is 4.12%, whis the continuously compoun3.25-yerate? (0.04255X0.25+0.0412X3)/3.25 = 0.0413 or 4.13% 这道题看不明白,但是按照课件convexity austment公式来计算,forwarrate=futures rate-(1/2)*方差*T(T+0.25),也不对,是为什么呢?

2024-03-20 23:57 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2020021204000038 问题如下 The Eurollfutures prifor a contrathmatures in three years is 95.75. The stanrviation of the change in the short rate in one yeis 0.8%. the continuously compounthreeyezero rate is 4.12%, whis the continuously compoun3.25-yerate? (0.04255X0.25+0.0412X3)/3.25 = 0.0413 or 4.13% 小皇冠的第一题遇到这道题目,得出0.04255的一系列步骤里,libor转化那里为什么是*365/360?然后为什么是按季度离散复利呢?

2022-08-18 23:10 2 · 回答


2020-03-16 18:29 2 · 回答