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旋风小铠甲 · 2020年03月17日



Müller uses a risk parity asset allocation approach with a client’s four–asset class portfolio. The expected return of the domestic bond asset class is the lowest of the asset classes, and the returns of the domestic bond asset class have the lowest covariance with other asset class returns. Müller estimates the weight that should be placed on domestic bonds.

In the risk parity asset allocation approach that Müller uses, the weight that Müller places on domestic bonds should be:



less than 25%.


equal to 25%.


greater than 25%.


C is correct.

A risk parity asset allocation is based on the notion that each asset class should contribute equally to the total risk of the portfolio. Bonds have the lowest risk level and must contribute 25% of the portfolio’s total risk, so bonds must be overweighted (greater than 25%). The equal contribution of each asset class is calculated as:

wi* Cov(ri,rp)=1nσp2\frac1n\sigma_p^2  


wi = weight of asset i

Cov(ri,rp) = covariance of asset i with the portfolio

n = number of assets

σ2= variance of the portfolio

In this example, there are four asset classes, and the variance of the total portfolio is assumed to be 25%; therefore, using a risk parity approach, the allocation to each asset class is expected to contribute (1/4 × 25%) = 6.25% of the total variance. Because bonds have the lowest covariance, they must have a higher relative weight to achieve the same contribution to risk as the other asset classes.

请问关于risk parity什么时候用广义的risk parity公式,什么时候用狭义的公式?

1 个答案

Shimin_CPA税法主讲、CFA教研 · 2020年03月17日


Risk budgeting,分成广义和狭义。广义上分成两种方法,一是risk parity,一种是狭义的risk budgeting。

如果题目明确是risk parity,那就没有争议,只能使用wi×Cov (ri,rp)=1/n*σ2p的公式。

如果题目说的是risk budgeting,需要进一步判断。如果要用excess return1/MCTR1=excess return2/MCTR2的公式,题目中一般会有相关信息,比如说既要考虑风险,又要考虑收益率。这样的均衡使得投资者在每个资产上承担的风险以及获得的收益达到了最优状态。


  • 1

  • 0

  • 781


NO.PZ2018011501000007 老师,根据Cov(Ri,Rp)=Cov(Ri,w1*R1+w2*R2+······+wi*Ri)=w1*Cov(Ri,R1)+w2*Cov(Ri,R2)+······+wi*σi^2,如果Cov(Ri,R1),Cov(Ri,R2)......最小,且σi^2最小能够得出Cov(Ri,Rp),但是这道题目中仅说了“The expectereturn of the mestic bonasset class is the lowest of the asset classes, anthe returns of the mestic bonasset class have the lowest covarianwith other asset class returns.“也就是说假设mestic bon第i个资产,那么题干说E(Ri)最小,且Cov(Ri,R1),Cov(Ri,R2)......最小,并没有提到σi^2方差最小,这样严格意义上来说,会影响结论么?

2021-10-25 13:45 1 · 回答

equto 25%. greater th25%. C is correct. A risk parity asset allocation is baseon the notion theaasset class shoulcontribute equally to the totrisk of the portfolio. Bon have the lowest risk level anmust contribute 25% of the portfolio’s totrisk, so bon must overweighte(greater th25%). The equcontribution of eaasset class is calculateas: wi* Cov(ri,rp)= 1nσp2\frac1n\sigma_p^2n1​σp2​   where wi = weight of asset i Cov(ri,rp) = covarianof asset i with the portfolio n = number of assets σ2= varianof the portfolio In this example, there are four asset classes, anthe varianof the totportfolio is assumeto 25%; therefore, using a risk parity approach, the allocation to eaasset class is expecteto contribute (1/4 × 25%) = 6.25% of the totvariance. Because bon have the lowest covariance, they must have a higher relative weight to achieve the same contribution to risk the other asset classes.组合的方差是25%?这个怎么来的呢

2020-10-01 20:56 3 · 回答


2019-01-09 08:08 2 · 回答

    为什么the varianof the totportfolio is 25%而不是100%? 一共4个asset,单个asset应该是25%对吗?

2018-12-11 06:11 1 · 回答