6 Based on Exhibit 2, the decision to overweight or underweight which of the following regions contributed positively to performance at the overall fund level?
A.North America
Greater Europe
Developed Asia and Australasia
C is correct.
The decision to underweight developed Asia and Australasia was a good one because the benchmark for this region underperformed the total benchmark (12.85% versus 22.67%). Alternatively, the question can be answered by calculating the allocation effects for the three regions, as follows:
Allocation = (wi – Wi)(Bi – B)
North America = (10.84% – 7.67%)(16.47% – 22.67%) = –0.20%
Greater Europe = (38.92% – 42.35%)(25.43% – 22.67%) = –0.09%
Developed Asia and Australasia = (29.86% – 31.16%)(12.85% – 22.67%) = 0.13%
Developed Asia and Australasia is the only region of the three that had a positive allocation effect.
老师你好,这道题题目中并没有说要从allocation effect角度来看应该增加或减少某类的权重,李老师讲的是和各个类别的benchmark比较(我理解这是从allocation的角度出发)。为什么不能用各个portfolio return和总的benchmark(22.67)做对比呢,这样看更直接能看出因为投资哪一类别(对比总benchmark)对整体的贡献更大,结果就是只能选developed Asia。