The first stage of financing at which a venture capital fund most likely invests is the:
A. seed stage.
B. mezzanine stage.
C. angel investing stage.
A is correct.
The seed stage supports market research and product development and is generally the first stage at which venture capital funds invest. The seed stage follows the angel investing stage. In the angel investing stage, funds are typically provided by individuals (often friends or family), rather than a venture capital fund, to assess an idea’s potential and to transform the idea into a plan. Mezzanine-stage financing is provided by venture capital funds to prepare the portfolio company for its IPO.
Angel stage是公司发展最早的阶段投资的都是创业者自己和亲戚朋友,此时不会有VC fund介入;seed stage是VC fund最早的进入阶段,在这个阶段已经开始产品研发了,但也还没有开始销售,基本的商业思路和模式都有了,一些VC就是从这个阶段开始对创业公司投资。而Mezzanine-stage是上市前的阶段,不符合题目描述的VC最先介入的阶段。