Jack invested $200,000 in a tax deferred account which is subordinate to Heavy Interest Tax Regime. In this regime, interests are taxed at ordinary rates, but regime has a favorable treatment for dividends and capital gains. Which of the following assets would be the most appropriate in his account?
A.Stocks with high capital gain
B.Bonds with high interest income
C.High dividend paying stocks.
B is correct.
考点:Seven global Tax regimes
解析:Heavy Interest Tax Regime,对于利息征重税,但是对于股息和资本利得有税收优惠。本题问的是放入tax deferred account中的资产最合适的是哪个?所以应该选高利息的债券,高利息的债券的税比较重,所以我们应该把他放在免税账户或者可以递延交税的账户。所以相对于其它两个,高利息的债券最适合放在这个TDA账户。
老师您好,请问如果假设10年期 bond 放在 tax deferred account账户里,是不是每年的利息都不用交税,到第10年取出本金时再对本金征withdraw tax?
如果是股票放在 tax deferred account 里,每年分红不用交税,最终处置时不征capital gain tax,直接对取出的总额征withdraw tax对吗?