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安宝123 · 2020年03月10日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干


5. Based on the data in Exhibits 2 and 3, the return for Portfolio AC, given the surprises in inflation and GDP growth, is closest to:









A is correct.

The macroeconomic two-factor model takes the following form: Ri=ai+bi1FINF+bi2FGDP+εi,R_i=a_i+b_{i1}F_{INF}+b_{i2}F_{GDP}+\varepsilon_i,

where FINF and FGDP represent surprises in inflation and surprises in GDP growth, respectively, and ai represents the expected return to asset i. Using this model and the data in Exhibit 2, the returns for Fund A and Fund C are represented by the following:

RA = 0.02 + 0.5FINF + 1.0FGDP + εA RC = 0.03 + 1.0FINF + 1.1FGDP + εc

Surprise in a macroeconomic model is defined as actual factor minus predicted factor. The surprise in inflation is 0.2% (= 2.2% – 2.0%). The surprise in GDP growth is –0.5% (= 1.0% – 1.5%). The return for Portfolio AC, composed of a 60% allocation to Fund A and 40% allocation to Fund C, is calculated as the following:

RAC = (0.6)(0.02) + (0.4)(0.03) + [(0.6)(0.5) + (0.4)(1.0)](0.002)+ [(0.6)(1.0) + (0.4)(1.1)]( –0.005) + 0.6(0) + 0.4(0) = 2.02%

考点:macroeconomic model


已知Zapata使用的是含有inflation和GDP growth两因子的宏观经济模型,所以写出模型公式:Ri = ai + bi1 F INF + bi2 F GDP + εi,

题干又给出zero value for the error terms的信息,所以ε i=0,因此我们可以将AB基金的数据代入模型:

RA = 0.02 + 0.5FINF + 1.0FGDP

RC = 0.03 + 1.0FINF + 1.1FGDP

根据表3,FINF = 2.2% – 2.0%=0.2%, FGDP= 1.0% – 1.5%= –0.5%.

RA =1.6%

RC =2.65%

Portfolio AC=60%A+40%C=60%*1.6%+40%*2.65%=2.02%

解答是先求出RA和RC,再按权重算;可以先求出60%A和40%C的 ai和,组合每个因子的sensitivity,再按宏观因子模型的公式带入吗?

1 个答案

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年03月10日


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NO.PZ201710100100000105 问题如下 5. Baseon the ta in Exhibits 2 an3, the return for Portfolio Agiven the surprises in inflation anG growth, is closest to: A.2.02%. B.2.40%. C.4.98% A is correct. The macroeconomic two-factor mol takes the following form: Ri=ai+bi1FINF+bi2FG+εi,R_i=a_i+b_{i1}F_{INF}+b_{i2}F_{G}+\varepsilon_i,Ri​=ai​+bi1​FINF​+bi2​FG​+εi​,where FINF anFG represent surprises in inflation ansurprises in G growth, respectively, anrepresents the expectereturn to asset i. Using this mol anthe ta in Exhibit 2, the returns for FunA anFunC are representethe following:RA = 0.02 + 0.5FINF + 1.0FG + εA RC = 0.03 + 1.0FINF + 1.1FG + εcSurprise in a macroeconomic mol is fineactufactor minus prectefactor. The surprise in inflation is 0.2% (= 2.2% – 2.0%). The surprise in G growth is –0.5% (= 1.0% – 1.5%). The return for Portfolio Acomposeof a 60% allocation to FunA an40% allocation to Funis calculatethe following:R= (0.6)(0.02) + (0.4)(0.03) + [(0.6)(0.5) + (0.4)(1.0)](0.002)+ [(0.6)(1.0) + (0.4)(1.1)]( –0.005) + 0.6(0) + 0.4(0) = 2.02%考点macroeconomic mol解析已知Zapata使用的是含有inflation和G growth两因子的宏观经济模型,所以写出模型公式Ri = + bi1 F INF + bi2 F G + εi,题干又给出zero value for the error terms的信息,所以ε i=0,因此我们可以将AB基金的数据代入模型RA = 0.02 + 0.5FINF + 1.0FGRC = 0.03 + 1.0FINF + 1.1FG根据表3,FINF = 2.2% – 2.0%=0.2%, FG= 1.0% – 1.5%= –0.5%.RA =1.6%RC =2.65%Portfolio AC=60%A+40%C=60%*1.6%+40%*2.65%=2.02% 如题,这个题为什么不能用APT模型,用ABC三个portfolio算出rf等 求解

2022-08-08 10:38 1 · 回答

为啥用forecast和actuvalue 的相减?

2020-08-24 19:55 1 · 回答

一开始好像理解反了,这样的b组合意思是没有考虑到g影响因素的事情而不是已经在组合内部调整好g影响因素?所以b的优点不是降低了g risk而是减小了inflation risk?是这么理解吗老师

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