current ratio 通常是大于1的,现金分红CA和CL同时减少 相同数字,为什么 选项A?
NO.PZ2016021705000049 问题如下 All other things being equal, the payment of internally financecash vinis most likely to result in: A.a lower current ratio. B.a higher current ratio. C.the same current ratio. is correct.recing corporate cash, a cash vinreces the current ratio, wherea stovin(whatever the size) hno effeon the current ratio. “股票股利的发放只改变所有者权益各个项目的结构,而不影响所有者权益总额。”具体怎么改变所有者权益各个项目的结构?
NO.PZ2016021705000049 问题如下 All other things being equal, the payment of internally financecash vinis most likely to result in: A.a lower current ratio. B.a higher current ratio. C.the same current ratio. is correct.recing corporate cash, a cash vinreces the current ratio, wherea stovin(whatever the size) hno effeon the current ratio. 这题题目没说明,怎么明确current ratio的比较对象是1.cash v和stov?2.cash v的两融融资渠道internally financewith cash from R/E) 和externally financeWith bt)?如果是1的比较,那么A(Lower current ratio)没有问题;但如果是2的比较,那么就应该是B(higher current ratio)才对
NO.PZ2016021705000049 a higher current ratio. the same current ratio. is correct. recing corporate cash, a cash vinreces the current ratio, wherea stovin(whatever the size) hno effeon the current ratio. internally 指的是从retaineearnings出钱,不会影响current asset和current.liability
老师,cash vinBS左边cash减少,右边是RE对应减少,L不变,所以current ratio减少;那么stovin是说BS左右A和L同时变化,所以current ration不变吗?
这里的current ratio指什么