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kgylldy · 2020年03月08日



How does ex ante tracking error differ from ex post tracking error?



Ex ante tracking error takes into account the behavior of options whereas ex post tracking error does not.


Ex post tracking error uses a more accurate forecast of future markets than the forecast used for ex ante tracking error.


Ex ante tracking error uses current portfolio holdings exposed to the variability of historical markets, whereas ex post tracking error measures the variability of historical portfolio holdings in historical markets.


C is correct.

A is incorrect because although ex post tracking error accounts for the options that were in the portfolio in the past, ex ante tracking error might actually misstate the risk of options if it is computed using the parametric method.

B is incorrect because ex post tracking error is not aiming to forecast the future, it is only measuring the variability of past results.

Ex ante tracking error uses current portfolio holdings exposed to the variability of historical markets, whereas ex post tracking error measures the variability of historical portfolio holdings in historical markets.

为什么事前和事后都是基于variability of historical markets呢?我理解事前采用当前的数据,那么对应的应该也是current market。

1 个答案

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年03月09日

同学你好,本题考查的是对ex ante以及ex post的区分


e. Ex post tracking error measures the historical deviation between portfolio returns and benchmark returns, and thus both the portfolio holdings and market returns are historical in this measure.

事后跟踪误差分析是利用历史组合的数据分析其收益及风险的,我们通常用它来做risk attribution。

Ex ante tracking error takes today’s benchmark-relative position and exposes it to the variability of past markets to estimate what kind of benchmark relative performance could arise from the current portfolio.

事前跟踪误差使用当前的benchmark-relative组合,利用过去市场数据,以估算当前投资组合可能产生的偏离表现,通常被用于风险预测。因为事前风险是利用当前的投资组合利用历史数据分析其偏离情况,是historical market.希望可以帮到你