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Ryoooh · 2020年03月08日

问一道题:NO.PZ2020012001000040 [ FRM I ]


On January 15 of Year 1, a company decides to hedge the purchase of 100,000 bushels of corn on February 15 of Year 2. The following table gives futures prices (cents per bushel) of three selected contracts on four different dates. Explain how the company can use the contracts to create the required hedge. What is the net (after hedging) price paid for the corn as a function of the spot price on Febru-ary 15 of Year 2? Each corn contract is on 5,000 bushels.


The company should short 20 May contracts on January 15 of Year 1 and close them out by buying 20 May contracts on April 15 of Year 1. It should short 20 September contracts on April 15 of Year 1 and close them out by buying 20 September contracts on August 15 of Year 1. It should short 20 March contracts on August 15 of Year 1 and close them out on February 15 of Year 2. The gain on the short positions in cents per bushel is

(300 - 320) + (330 - 320) + (325 - 300) = 15

The price paid is therefore S - 15 cents per bushel, where S is the spot price on February 15 of Year 2. In total, the cost in USD is 1,000(S-15).

2 个答案

袁园_品职助教 · 2020年03月21日


要看这个 hedge 是怎么做的,这道题目中是 short futures, 所以一开始进入是 short,结束中间头寸的时候是 long,以第一组交易为例就是 公司day 1 short contract 得到300,再花320的价格 long contract


袁园_品职助教 · 2020年03月09日



Ryoooh · 2020年03月15日

嗯谢谢老师解答,这道题我不懂的点在于怎么样判断hedge是帮公司赚了15块,我自己的计算是反过来的,就是320-300+…(因为我的理解是公司day 1花300进入contract,再以320的价格结束contract,就赚了20。但是用我的方法加总的话,total应该亏15,而不是赚15

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NO.PZ2020012001000040问题如下 On January 15 of Ye1, a company cis to hee the sell of 100,000 bushels of corn on February 15 of Ye2. The following table gives futures prices (cents per bushel) of three selectecontracts on four fferent tes. Explain how the company cuse the contracts to create the requirehee. Whis the net (after heing) prireceivefor the corn a function of the spot prion Febru-ary 15 of Ye2? Eacorn contrais on 5,000 bushels. The company shoulshort 20 Mcontracts on January 15 of Ye1 anclose them out buying 20 Mcontracts on April 15 of Ye1. It shoulshort 20 September contracts on April 15 of Ye1 anclose them out buying 20 September contracts on August 15 of Ye1. It shoulshort 20 Marcontracts on August 15 of Ye1 anclose them out on February 15 of Ye2. The gain on the short positions in cents per bushel is (300 - 320) + (330 - 320) + (325 - 300) = 15 The prireceiveis therefore S + 15 cents per bushel, where S is the spot prion February 15 of Ye2. 老师,您说这个同学的红线话从总收益的角度是正确的,但是我不太明白,最后short futures平仓,期货头寸变成0了,总共赚了15,一开始未来就是计划sell spot ,所以卖出货物收到市场价格S,总收益应该是S+15啊?

2024-06-02 20:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012001000040问题如下 On January 15 of Ye1, a company cis to hee the sell of 100,000 bushels of corn on February 15 of Ye2. The following table gives futures prices (cents per bushel) of three selectecontracts on four fferent tes. Explain how the company cuse the contracts to create the requirehee. Whis the net (after heing) prireceivefor the corn a function of the spot prion Febru-ary 15 of Ye2? Eacorn contrais on 5,000 bushels. The company shoulshort 20 Mcontracts on January 15 of Ye1 anclose them out buying 20 Mcontracts on April 15 of Ye1. It shoulshort 20 September contracts on April 15 of Ye1 anclose them out buying 20 September contracts on August 15 of Ye1. It shoulshort 20 Marcontracts on August 15 of Ye1 anclose them out on February 15 of Ye2. The gain on the short positions in cents per bushel is (300 - 320) + (330 - 320) + (325 - 300) = 15 The prireceiveis therefore S + 15 cents per bushel, where S is the spot prion February 15 of Ye2. 请老师详细写下每个合同的买或者卖,买卖时间,价格是多少?表格是什么意思?基础课此题听好几遍仍然非常糊涂。比如八月份到底该干啥,九月价格有没有用?最后合同为啥减去300?谢谢。计算规则是什么

2023-03-14 02:04 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012001000040问题如下 On January 15 of Ye1, a company cis to hee the sell of 100,000 bushels of corn on February 15 of Ye2. The following table gives futures prices (cents per bushel) of three selectecontracts on four fferent tes. Explain how the company cuse the contracts to create the requirehee. Whis the net (after heing) prireceivefor the corn a function of the spot prion Febru-ary 15 of Ye2? Eacorn contrais on 5,000 bushels. The company shoulshort 20 Mcontracts on January 15 of Ye1 anclose them out buying 20 Mcontracts on April 15 of Ye1. It shoulshort 20 September contracts on April 15 of Ye1 anclose them out buying 20 September contracts on August 15 of Ye1. It shoulshort 20 Marcontracts on August 15 of Ye1 anclose them out on February 15 of Ye2. The gain on the short positions in cents per bushel is (300 - 320) + (330 - 320) + (325 - 300) = 15 The prireceiveis therefore S + 15 cents per bushel, where S is the spot prion February 15 of Ye2. 您好没太看懂题及答案

2023-02-15 16:57 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012001000040 问题如下 On January 15 of Ye1, a company cis to hee the sell of 100,000 bushels of corn on February 15 of Ye2. The following table gives futures prices (cents per bushel) of three selectecontracts on four fferent tes. Explain how the company cuse the contracts to create the requirehee. Whis the net (after heing) pripaifor the corn a function of the spot prion Febru-ary 15 of Ye2? Eacorn contrais on 5,000 bushels. The company shoulshort 20 Mcontracts on January 15 of Ye1 anclose them out buying 20 Mcontracts on April 15 of Ye1. It shoulshort 20 September contracts on April 15 of Ye1 anclose them out buying 20 September contracts on August 15 of Ye1. It shoulshort 20 Marcontracts on August 15 of Ye1 anclose them out on February 15 of Ye2. The gain on the short positions in cents per bushel is (300 - 320) + (330 - 320) + (325 - 300) = 15 The pripaiis therefore S + 15 cents per bushel, where S is the spot prion February 15 of Ye2. net (after heing) pripai什么是S+15,而不是S-15?担心价格下降,所以short futures,最后期货赚了15。到期后,买现货支付S,net (after heing) pripai是s-15吗?谢谢老师解答。

2023-02-03 16:25 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012001000040 问题如下 On January 15 of Ye1, a company cis to hee the sell of 100,000 bushels of corn on February 15 of Ye2. The following table gives futures prices (cents per bushel) of three selectecontracts on four fferent tes. Explain how the company cuse the contracts to create the requirehee. Whis the net (after heing) pripaifor the corn a function of the spot prion Febru-ary 15 of Ye2? Eacorn contrais on 5,000 bushels. The company shoulshort 20 Mcontracts on January 15 of Ye1 anclose them out buying 20 Mcontracts on April 15 of Ye1. It shoulshort 20 September contracts on April 15 of Ye1 anclose them out buying 20 September contracts on August 15 of Ye1. It shoulshort 20 Marcontracts on August 15 of Ye1 anclose them out on February 15 of Ye2. The gain on the short positions in cents per bushel is (300 - 320) + (330 - 320) + (325 - 300) = 15 The pripaiis therefore S + 15 cents per bushel, where S is the spot prion February 15 of Ye2. In total, the cost in USis 1,000(S-15). prirealize100000(S+15),虽然是cents但书上例题没有 用1000,为什么会还有cost (S-15)?

2022-04-30 09:56 1 · 回答