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SkipperLin · 2020年03月07日



A random draw from an N(1,5) distribution is 1.2. If this was generated using the inverse of the cumulative distribution approach, what is the original draw from the U(0,1) distribution?



Essentially, the question is to determine the cumulative distribution up to 1.2 on an N(1,5) distribution. This can be done with the Excel function NORMDIST(1.2,1,sqrt(5),True) and returns the value 0.535.

请问我把(1.2-1)/sqrt5 = 0.08944带入带normal distribution的z score table里面找表里面的值是0.08944找的跟答案查很多 错在哪里了

1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2020年03月07日


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NO.PZ2020011101000054问题如下A ranm from N(1,5) stribution is 1.2. If this wgenerateusing the inverse of the cumulative stribution approach, whis the originfrom the U(0,1) stribution?Essentially, the question is to termine the cumulative stribution up to 1.2 on N(1,5) stribution. This cne with the Excel function NORMST(1.2,1,sqrt(5),True) anreturns the value 0.535. 老师好,N(1.2)的意思是正态分布1.2的点?

2024-05-23 15:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011101000054 问题如下 A ranm from N(1,5) stribution is 1.2. If this wgenerateusing the inverse of the cumulative stribution approach, whis the originfrom the U(0,1) stribution? Essentially, the question is to termine the cumulative stribution up to 1.2 on N(1,5) stribution. This cne with the Excel function NORMST(1.2,1,sqrt(5),True) anreturns the value 0.535. 如题A ranm from N(1,5) stribution is 1.2. If this wgenerateusing the inverse of the cumulative stribution approach, whis the originfrom the U(0,1) stribution?我英语不好,我这个问题跟第一句话长的挺像,是不是算出0.0894就是Z分布的点就可以了呢?0.535是概率,是面积吧?

2024-01-30 21:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011101000054问题如下A ranm from N(1,5) stribution is 1.2. If this wgenerateusing the inverse of the cumulative stribution approach, whis the originfrom the U(0,1) stribution?Essentially, the question is to termine the cumulative stribution up to 1.2 on N(1,5) stribution. This cne with the Excel function NORMST(1.2,1,sqrt(5),True) anreturns the value 0.535. 如何计算xiexie

2023-02-03 03:16 1 · 回答


2020-02-09 19:42 1 · 回答