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zjcjrd · 2020年03月06日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016082406000038 [ FRM II ]


The KMV model produces a measure called expected default frequency. Which of the following statements about this variable is correct?



It decreases when the leverage of the firm falls.


It increases when the stock price of the firm has been rising.


It is the risk-neutral probability of default from Merton’s model.


It tells investors how the default risk of a bond is correlated with the default risk of other bonds in the portfolio



The EDF, similarly to the risk-neutral PD, decreases when the stock price goes up, when the leverage goes down, or when the volatility goes down. It is a transformation of the PD from a Merton-type model. The KMV framework can be extended to finding correlations, but the EDF is not sufficient.


1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2020年03月06日


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The KMV mol proces a measure calleexpectefault frequency. Whiof the following statements about this variable is correct? It creases when the leverage of the firm falls. It increases when the stopriof the firm hbeen rising. It is the risk-neutrprobability of fault from Merton’s mol. It tells investors how the fault risk of a bonis correlatewith the fault risk of other bon in the portfolio ANSWER: A The E, similarly to the risk-neutrP creases when the stoprigoes up, when the leverage goes wn, or when the volatility goes wn. It is a transformation of the Pfrom a Merton-type mol. The KMV framework cextento finng correlations, but the E is not sufficient. 为什么当stoprigoes up,or leverage goes wn时,会下降?

2020-10-11 19:49 1 · 回答

It increases when the stopriof the firm hbeen rising. It is the risk-neutrprobability of fault from Merton’s mol. It tells investors how the fault risk of a bonis correlatewith the fault risk of other bon in the portfolio ANSWER: A The E, similarly to the risk-neutrP creases when the stoprigoes up, when the leverage goes wn, or when the volatility goes wn. It is a transformation of the Pfrom a Merton-type mol. The KMV framework cextento finng correlations, but the E is not sufficient. 请问一下C和应讲义的哪里?

2020-09-25 18:26 1 · 回答

     能具体一下C、?1.C中E与Merton mol的risk neutrP底有什么区别?前者时由历史数据获得,后者是由二叉树获得?2.课时候KMV好像没有讲到ρ的关系把?

2019-07-14 11:17 1 · 回答


2019-04-13 17:00 1 · 回答