6. Is Zin’s comment that good governance practice does not preclude Steris from serving on either of the two committees of the Moonbase board correct?
B.No, good governance practice precludes Steris from serving on the audit committee.
C.No, good governance practice precludes Steris from serving on the compensation committee.
A is correct.
As an independent director, without an interlocking relationship and with the expertise required, Steris would be eligible to serve on either of the two committees.
想问一下,作为公司的独立董事,如果即使是该公司的ex cfo,只要符合任职要求就可以吗?
我记得还有一道题,是说有2个独立董事是公司的前CEO,但是那道题是说得至少有四分之三的独立董事才是strong govornance。想问如果那道题改成是有四分之三的独立董事的,是不是即使有2个前CEO在独立董事里,也是可以的?NO.PZ201601200500004704 第四小题。