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一只可爱的猪 · 2020年03月02日



Which of the following statements related to securitization is correct?



Time tranching addresses the uncertainty of a decline in interest rates.


Securitizations are rarely structured to include both credit tranching and time tranching.


Junior and senior bond classes differ in that junior classes can only be paid off at the bond’s set maturity. 


A is correct. Time tranching is the creation of bond classes that possess different expected maturities so that prepayment risk can be redistributed among bond classes. When loan agreements provide borrowers the ability to alter payments, in the case of declining interest rates, this prepayment risk increases because borrowers tend to pay off part or all of their loans and refinance at lower interest rates.

B is incorrect because it is possible, and quite common, for a securitization to have structures with both credit tranching and time tranching.

C is incorrect because the subordinated structures of junior and senior bond classes differ as to how they will share any losses relative to defaults of the borrowers whose loans are in the collateral pool. Junior classes offer protection for senior classes, with losses first realized by the former. The classes are not distinguished by scheduled repayment terms but, rather, by a loss sharing hierarchy in the event of borrower default.


3 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2020年08月19日


A选项说的是time tranching解决了利率下降的不确定性。当利率下降的时候,会有提前还款,这样就可以以一个更低的融资成本去借新债。此时,prepayment被shortest-term tranche拿走了,它是还款最快的那一层。所以分层了之后,prepayment risk被重新分配,我们提前就可以知道哪一层会先拿到prepayment,这样就解决了利率下降提前还款不确定的问题。

人类心情 · 2020年08月19日

老师,请解释下答案A,对其他学员的解释没有看懂,利率下行风险和time tranching 什么关系

吴昊_品职助教 · 2020年03月02日

按照到期时间不同进行分层,即Time tranching。longest term tranche是最后还款的那一层,该层的延期风险最大,缩期风险最小;shortest-term tranche,最快还款的那一层,该层的缩期风险最大,延期风险最小。A选项说的是解决了利率下降的不确定性,当利率下降的时候,prepayment被shortest-term tranche拿走了,所以分层了之后,prepayment risk重新分配了之后,就可以知道哪一层会先拿到prepayment,解决了提前还款的问题。

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NO.PZ2018062020000025 1.我感觉 cret tranching antime tranching.的操作方式其实是一样的,只不过看基础资产有什么风险,通过SPV操作就打包分层相应的风险。当基础资产主要是prepayment risk的时候,就是 time tranching;当基础资产主要是crei risk的时候,就是 cret tranching。不知道这么理解对不对? 2.公司债主要是信用风险,但其实也有利率风险和prepayment risk,所以是不是对于公司债的证券资产化既包括cret tranching又包括 time tranching?

2021-03-04 09:28 1 · 回答

Securitizations arerarely structureto inclu both cret tranching antime tranching. Junior anenior bonclasses ffer in thjunior classes conly paioff the bons set maturity.  A is correct.Time tranching is the creation of bonclasses thpossess fferent expecteaturities so thprepayment risk crestributeamong bonclasses. When loagreements proviborrowers the ability to alter payments, in the case of clininginterest rates, this prepayment risk increases because borrowers tento poff part or all of their loans anefinanlower interest rates. B isincorrebecause it is possible, anquite common, for a securitization to have structures with both cret tranching anime tranching. C isincorrebecause the subornatestructures of junior ansenior bonclasses ffer to how they will share anylosses relative to faults of the borrowers whose loans are in the collateralpool. Junior classes offer protection for senior classes, with losses firstrealizethe former. The classes are not stinguishescheleepayment terms but, rather, a loss sharing hierarchy in the event of borrower fault. 老师,B可以举个例子吗?同时有这俩风险的

2020-11-26 00:03 1 · 回答

Securitizations arerarely structureto inclu both cret tranching antime tranching. Junior anenior bonclasses ffer in thjunior classes conly paioff the bons set maturity.  A is correct.Time tranching is the creation of bonclasses thpossess fferent expecteaturities so thprepayment risk crestributeamong bonclasses. When loagreements proviborrowers the ability to alter payments, in the case of clininginterest rates, this prepayment risk increases because borrowers tento poff part or all of their loans anefinanlower interest rates. B isincorrebecause it is possible, anquite common, for a securitization to have structures with both cret tranching anime tranching. C isincorrebecause the subornatestructures of junior ansenior bonclasses ffer to how they will share anylosses relative to faults of the borrowers whose loans are in the collateralpool. Junior classes offer protection for senior classes, with losses firstrealizethe former. The classes are not stinguishescheleepayment terms but, rather, a loss sharing hierarchy in the event of borrower fault. 没明白…A不应该是repayment risk么?怎么又变成interest risk?

2020-09-05 23:17 1 · 回答

Securitizations arerarely structureto inclu both cret tranching antime tranching. Junior anenior bonclasses ffer in thjunior classes conly paioff the bons set maturity.  A is correct.Time tranching is the creation of bonclasses thpossess fferent expecteaturities so thprepayment risk crestributeamong bonclasses. When loagreements proviborrowers the ability to alter payments, in the case of clininginterest rates, this prepayment risk increases because borrowers tento poff part or all of their loans anefinanlower interest rates. B isincorrebecause it is possible, anquite common, for a securitization to have structures with both cret tranching anime tranching. C isincorrebecause the subornatestructures of junior ansenior bonclasses ffer to how they will share anylosses relative to faults of the borrowers whose loans are in the collateralpool. Junior classes offer protection for senior classes, with losses firstrealizethe former. The classes are not stinguishescheleepayment terms but, rather, a loss sharing hierarchy in the event of borrower fault. 老师,请下答案A,对其他学员的没有看懂,利率下行风险和time tranching 什么关系

2020-08-19 06:58 1 · 回答