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Ruthlessbaby · 2020年02月27日



MegaWorld Bancorp has an equity capital ratio for financial assets of 9%. The modified duration of its assets is 2.0 and of its liabilities is 1.5. Over small changes, the yield on liabilities is expected to move by 85 bps for every 100 bps of yield change in its asset portfolio.
Compute the modified duration of the bank’s equity capital.



Using Equation 8, A ÷ E = 1/0.09 = 11.11; (A ÷ E) –1 = 10.11; D*A = 2.0; DL* =
1.5; and Δ
i ÷ Δy = 0.85.
Therefore, the modified duration of shareholders’ capital is:

DE* = (11.11 × 2) – (10.11 × 1.50) × 0.85 = 9.33

为什么资产的Da不需要乘以Δi /Δy呢

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2020年02月27日


“为什么资产的Da不需要乘以Δi /Δy呢”


这里是这样,我们是想算Equity的Duration,利用恒等式:A = D + E,我们算一下利率变动时,资产价值的变动、负债价值的变动,然后资产价值的变动减去负债价值的变动,就能得到利率变动时Equity价值的变动,这就是Equity价值对利率的敏感度Duration。



例如,本题就是资产的利率每变100bps,负债的利率会变动85bps(85 bps for every 100 bps ),这样的话,如果资产的利率变动1bp,我们就知道负债的利率变动0.85bps。

所以Δi /Δy只用给Asset yield乘一次,就会得到负债利率的变动,不用给资产乘。


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NO.PZ2019100901000020 问题如下 MegaWorlBancorp hequity capitratio for financiassets of 9%. The mofieration of its assets is 2.0 anof its liabilities is 1.5. Over small changes, the yielon liabilities is expecteto move 85 bps for every 100 bps of yielchange in its asset portfolio.Compute the mofieration of the bank’s equity capital. Using Equation 8, A ÷ E = 1/0.09 = 11.11; (A ÷ E) –1 = 10.11; A = 2.0; * =1.5; anΔi ÷ Δy = 0.85.Therefore, the mofieration of shareholrs’ capitis: * = (11.11 × 2) – (10.11 × 1.50) × 0.85 = 9.33 如题目中的描述,the yielon liabilities is expecteto move 85 bps for every 100 bps of yielchange in its asset portfolio. 我的理解是,yielon asset 每变化 100bps, yielon liability 就变化 85bps, 为什么不是 Δi (yilechange in asset) ÷ Δy (yilechange in liability) = 100/85? 而是 85/100=0.85? 谢谢

2023-12-21 06:15 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000020 问题如下 MegaWorlBancorp hequity capitratio for financiassets of 9%. The mofieration of its assets is 2.0 anof its liabilities is 1.5. Over small changes, the yielon liabilities is expecteto move 85 bps for every 100 bps of yielchange in its asset portfolio.Compute the mofieration of the bank’s equity capital. Using Equation 8, A ÷ E = 1/0.09 = 11.11; (A ÷ E) –1 = 10.11; A = 2.0; * =1.5; anΔi ÷ Δy = 0.85.Therefore, the mofieration of shareholrs’ capitis: * = (11.11 × 2) – (10.11 × 1.50) × 0.85 = 9.33 如题,equity capitratio是什么

2022-11-26 22:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000020 问题如下 MegaWorlBancorp hequity capitratio for financiassets of 9%. The mofieration of its assets is 2.0 anof its liabilities is 1.5. Over small changes, the yielon liabilities is expecteto move 85 bps for every 100 bps of yielchange in its asset portfolio.Compute the mofieration of the bank’s equity capital. Using Equation 8, A ÷ E = 1/0.09 = 11.11; (A ÷ E) –1 = 10.11; A = 2.0; * =1.5; anΔi ÷ Δy = 0.85.Therefore, the mofieration of shareholrs’ capitis: * = (11.11 × 2) – (10.11 × 1.50) × 0.85 = 9.33 请问 “三角形”, “lta”,“标准差符号”都怎么打出来?

2022-04-28 18:33 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000020问题如下MegaWorlBancorp hequity capitratio for financiassets of 9%. The mofieration of its assets is 2.0 anof its liabilities is 1.5. Over small changes, the yielon liabilities is expecteto move 85 bps for every 100 bps of yielchange in its asset portfolio.Compute the mofieration of the bank’s equity capital. Using Equation 8, A ÷ E = 1/0.09 = 11.11; (A ÷ E) –1 = 10.11; A = 2.0; * =1.5; anΔi ÷ Δy = 0.85.Therefore, the mofieration of shareholrs’ capitis: * = (11.11 × 2) – (10.11 × 1.50) × 0.85 = 9.33 ration的问题,单位需要写Year吗?就像上面那一题一样。

2022-03-28 21:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000020 我看到考场要求说乘号必须用 “x”,不可以用 \"*\" ; 那除法呢?必须用  除号 还是用 “/” 就可以? (品职这里除号都打不出来)

2021-11-18 14:14 1 · 回答