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滴滴姐姐~ · 2020年02月27日

问一道题:NO.PZ2019012201000050 [ CFA III ]


Winthrop and Tong agreethat only the existing equity investments need to be liquidated. Tong suggeststhat, as an alternative to direct equity investments, the new equity portfoliobe composed of the exchange-traded funds (ETFs) shown in Exhibit 1.

Basedon Exhibit 1 and assuming a full-replication indexing approach, the trackingerror is expected to be highest for:









An index that contains a large number of constituents will tend tocreate higher tracking error than one with fewer constituents. Based on thenumber of constituents in the three indexes (S&P/TSX 60 has 60, S&P 500has 506, and MSCI EAFE has 933), EFA (the MSCI EAFE ETF) is expected to havethe highest tracking error. Higher expense ratios (XIU: 0.18%; SPY: 0.10%; and EFA:0.33%) also contribute to lower excess returns and higher tracking error, whichimplies that EFA has the highest expected tracking error.

看了之前的提问和回答。。。们。。 依旧一脸懵逼。。。 1.大概是懂了“n越大 tracking error越小” 但是吧。。2. 怎么理解那个U型曲线。。。是不是那个是加引号的tracking error曲线。。只是想随意聊一下trade-off呀。。 3.不然怎么判断60和933在曲线上的相对位置。。

2 个答案

圣灵霜子 · 2020年03月03日

对于不同的index或者说benchmark,包含的股票数量越多,越难完全复制,交易成本越大,tracking error越大,这也是这道题考的。 对于同一个benchmark(比如xxx3000,benchmark里有3000只股票),如果你只买100只股票,离benchmark差太多了,tracking error就会很大,但是你买3000只,交易成本太高了,tracking error也会很大,买个2000只反而tracking error最小,这是u型图的意思。 这道题和型图没关系。

maggie_品职助教 · 2020年02月28日


1、U型图是针对要复制的指数包含大量成分股的时候,不适用小型(小型指的是成分股很少)的指数比如这道题SP/TSX60. 对于小型指数来说,组合包含的股票数量越大即越接近指数中的股票数量,跟踪误差越小。

2、对于大型指数,像EFA933。一开始n越大 tracking error越小只解释的U型图左半部分,随着N上升越买越多,交易费用也在上升,我们被动的复制股票的目的在于获得和大盘一样的收益率(此时追踪误差最小),但是我们买的越多(都是先买流动性好的股票,然后流动性以此递减),买到后来交易费用就会上升的很快,这样就会削减我们能获得的收益(追踪误差上升)。所以并不是全买追踪误差就最小,其实是有一个trade off的,正如75页讲义所所画是个U型。



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NO.PZ2019012201000050 问题如下 Winthrop anTong agreethonly the existing equity investments neeto liquite Tong suggeststhat, alternative to reequity investments, the new equity portfoliocomposeof the exchange-trafun (ETFs) shown in Exhibit 1.Basen Exhibit 1 anassuming a full-replication inxing approach, the trackingerror is expecteto highest for A.XIU B.SPY C.EF inx thcontains a large number of constituents will tentocreate higher tracking error thone with fewer constituents. Baseon thenumber of constituents in the three inxes (S P/TSX 60 h60, S P 500h506, anMSEAFE h933), EFA (the MSEAFE ETF) is expecteto havethe highest tracking error. Higher expense ratios (XIU: 0.18%; SPY: 0.10%; anEFA:0.33%) also contribute to lower excess returns anhigher tracking error, whichimplies thEFA hthe highest expectetracking error. 如题,这道题是只看in中的股票数量吗?股票数量最多的,做被动投资的tracking error最大?

2024-06-19 10:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000050问题如下 Winthrop anTong agreethonly the existing equity investments neeto liquite Tong suggeststhat, alternative to reequity investments, the new equity portfoliocomposeof the exchange-trafun (ETFs) shown in Exhibit 1.Basen Exhibit 1 anassuming a full-replication inxing approach, the trackingerror is expecteto highest forA.XIU B.SPY C.EFA inx thcontains a large number of constituents will tentocreate higher tracking error thone with fewer constituents. Baseon thenumber of constituents in the three inxes (S P/TSX 60 h60, S P 500h506, anMSEAFE h933), EFA (the MSEAFE ETF) is expecteto havethe highest tracking error. Higher expense ratios (XIU: 0.18%; SPY: 0.10%; anEFA:0.33%) also contribute to lower excess returns anhigher tracking error, whichimplies thEFA hthe highest expectetracking error. 这里的数量是benchmark inx里的个数吧?个数越多,越难模拟,TE越高。那这个和U shape是不是没关系?U shape应该是portfolio里的个数吧,越多的话考虑trang costTE越大?另外,有的题目在三种方法里选,选full replication条件是asset size sufficient还有liqui是说要有钱且好交易对吧,那对于成分数量是不是适中比较好呢?

2024-05-20 08:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000050 问题如下 Winthrop anTong agreethonly the existing equity investments neeto liquite Tong suggeststhat, alternative to reequity investments, the new equity portfoliocomposeof the exchange-trafun (ETFs) shown in Exhibit 1.Basen Exhibit 1 anassuming a full-replication inxing approach, the trackingerror is expecteto highest for A.XIU B.SPY C.EF inx thcontains a large number of constituents will tentocreate higher tracking error thone with fewer constituents. Baseon thenumber of constituents in the three inxes (S P/TSX 60 h60, S P 500h506, anMSEAFE h933), EFA (the MSEAFE ETF) is expecteto havethe highest tracking error. Higher expense ratios (XIU: 0.18%; SPY: 0.10%; anEFA:0.33%) also contribute to lower excess returns anhigher tracking error, whichimplies thEFA hthe highest expectetracking error. 如题

2024-05-09 17:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000050问题如下 Winthrop anTong agreethonly the existing equity investments neeto liquite Tong suggeststhat, alternative to reequity investments, the new equity portfoliocomposeof the exchange-trafun (ETFs) shown in Exhibit 1.Basen Exhibit 1 anassuming a full-replication inxing approach, the trackingerror is expecteto highest forA.XIU B.SPY C.EFA inx thcontains a large number of constituents will tentocreate higher tracking error thone with fewer constituents. Baseon thenumber of constituents in the three inxes (S P/TSX 60 h60, S P 500h506, anMSEAFE h933), EFA (the MSEAFE ETF) is expecteto havethe highest tracking error. Higher expense ratios (XIU: 0.18%; SPY: 0.10%; anEFA:0.33%) also contribute to lower excess returns anhigher tracking error, whichimplies thEFA hthe highest expectetracking error. 这个图形,在不考虑trang cost情况下,单独考虑成分股数量,不应该是那条向下倾斜的虚线吗?意思是成份股数量越大(讲课举例接近5000),tracting error逐渐减小吗?没理解这个点

2024-02-20 09:30 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000050 问题如下 Winthrop anTong agreethonly the existing equity investments neeto liquite Tong suggeststhat, alternative to reequity investments, the new equity portfoliocomposeof the exchange-trafun (ETFs) shown in Exhibit 1.Basen Exhibit 1 anassuming a full-replication inxing approach, the trackingerror is expecteto highest for A.XIU B.SPY C.EF inx thcontains a large number of constituents will tentocreate higher tracking error thone with fewer constituents. Baseon thenumber of constituents in the three inxes (S P/TSX 60 h60, S P 500h506, anMSEAFE h933), EFA (the MSEAFE ETF) is expecteto havethe highest tracking error. Higher expense ratios (XIU: 0.18%; SPY: 0.10%; anEFA:0.33%) also contribute to lower excess returns anhigher tracking error, whichimplies thEFA hthe highest expectetracking error. 这里的expense ratio指的是投资ETF所需的费用么?ratio的分母是什么?

2024-01-23 14:26 1 · 回答