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我叫仙人涨 · 2020年02月26日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干


In Statement 2, Kynnersley implies that the portfolio:



is at risk of losing $4,500 each trading day


value is expected to decline by $90,000 or more once in 20 trading days.


has a 5% chance of falling in value by a maximum of $90,000 on a single trading day.


B is correct. Value at risk is the minimum loss that would be expected a certain percentage of the time over a certain period of time. Statement 2 implies that there is a 5% chance the portfolio will fall in value by $90,000 (= $6,000,000 ×1.5%) or more in a single day. If VaR is measured on a daily basis and a typical month has 20–22 business days, then 5% of the days equates to about 1 day per month or once in 20 trading days.

老师,这个5% of one day = once per month (1 day out of 20 days is 5% of the month) 我懂

但是要是转换成月的概念,我们不是应该用那种 miu * 20 - sigma * sq root 20 么?

为什么monthly mini loss和dialy minimum loss 一样呢?

3 个答案

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年07月11日


丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年02月28日


我叫仙人涨 · 2020年02月29日

对呀,所以不应该用6m * 1.9这个明明是天化的临界值来当成月化的用呀?

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年02月27日

同学你好,本题考查对于VaR的理解和转换。根据VaR的计算公式=-(mean-sigma*standard deviation)算出来的值,是在95%的情况下平均每天的损失不超过这个VaR的数值;也可以说是5%的情况下每天会超过这个数值。如果假定一个月有20天,那么平均每个月有一天损失的数值会超过这个VaR的数值。所以VaR是一个临界值,5%是一段时间内超过这个临界值的概率,希望可以帮到你。

我叫仙人涨 · 2020年02月27日

但是何老师说把天化转化成月和年都要用平均收益乘以天数, sigma乘以square root of 天数呀?应该用那个转换天数的公式才对呀

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NO.PZ201512181000007202问题如下In Statement 2, Kynnersley implies ththe portfolio: A.is risk of losing $4,500 eatrang y B.value is expecteto cline $90,000 or more onin 20 trang ys. C.ha 5% chanof falling in value a maximum of $90,000 on a single trang y. B is correct. Value risk is the minimum loss thwoulexpectea certain percentage of the time over a certain perioof time. Statement 2 implies ththere is a 5% chanthe portfolio will fall in value $90,000 (= $6,000,000 ×1.5%) or more in a single y. If Vis measureon a ily basis ana typicmonth h20–22 business ys, then 5% of the ys equates to about 1 y per month or onin 20 trang ys. 能翻译一下b吗,谢谢老师

2024-06-14 10:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512181000007202问题如下In Statement 2, Kynnersley implies ththe portfolio: A.is risk of losing $4,500 eatrang y B.value is expecteto cline $90,000 or more onin 20 trang ys. C.ha 5% chanof falling in value a maximum of $90,000 on a single trang y. B is correct. Value risk is the minimum loss thwoulexpectea certain percentage of the time over a certain perioof time. Statement 2 implies ththere is a 5% chanthe portfolio will fall in value $90,000 (= $6,000,000 ×1.5%) or more in a single y. If Vis measureon a ily basis ana typicmonth h20–22 business ys, then 5% of the ys equates to about 1 y per month or onin 20 trang ys. 这个20y 问什么和一天一样 怎么理解

2023-10-06 11:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512181000007202 这个不是很明白,一个月的var为何与一天的var相同

2022-01-15 17:59 1 · 回答


2020-02-05 12:25 1 · 回答