Matt suggests using portfolio stock to generate incremental revenue, thereby partially offsetting the other costs of managing the portfolio but potentially creating undesirable credit and collateral risks. The method that Matt suggests to add incremental revenue is:
A.investor activism
B.securities lending.
C.attribution analysis.
B is correct.
考点:Sources of Return and Risk
解析: 证券借贷获得的收益通常用于抵消与投资组合管理相关的成本。然而,通过借出股票,投资者将暴露于融券方不能按时归还股票的风险,这种风险包括两个方面:融券方的信信用风险以及与所提供的抵押品的市场风险。
这道题是不是放错位置了? 应该放在equity income and cost那个知识点下面,而且从题干里没有看出是security lending啊。