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蝈蝈@嗅 · 2020年02月21日



A research report produced by a dealer includes the followings datas. The USD/GBP spot exchange rate is 0.8465, the 90day Libor rates for the USD and the GBP are 1.065% and 1.620%. Which of the following options is the most accurate of the 90-day forward points(the interest rates are on a basis of a 360-day year) in USD/GBP ?









B is correct.


The forward points are 10000 × (F – S) = 10000 × (0.8453 – 0.8465) = 10000 × (–0.00012) = –12.

考点:Forward Premium and Discount


F = 0.8465[(1+0.01065(90/360)]/[1+0.01620(90/360)]=0.8465*0.9986=0.8453

第二步,计算forward points :10000 × (F – S) = 10000 × (0.8453 – 0.8465) = 10000 × (–0.00012) = –12.

请问题目中90day libor rate不是指90天的利息吗?为什么还要再除以4呢?谢谢。

1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2020年02月21日





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NO.PZ2018062003000213 问题如下 A researreport procea aler inclus the followings tas. The USGspot exchange rate is 0.8465, the 90y Libor rates for the USanthe Gare 1.065% an1.620%. Whiof the following options is the most accurate of the 90-y forwarpoints(the interest rates are on a basis of a 360-y year) in USG? A.–8.9. B.–12. C.12. B is correct.FUSGBP=S(USGBP)(1+iUS/(1+iGBP)=0.8465[(1+0.01065(90/360)]/[1+0.01620(90/360)]=0.8465*0.9986=0.8453The forwarpoints are 10000 × (F – S) = 10000 × (0.8453 – 0.8465) = 10000 × (–0.0012) = –12.考点ForwarPremium anscount解析第一步,先算得远期汇率水平0.8453F = 0.8465[(1+0.01065(90/360)]/[1+0.01620(90/360)]=0.8465*0.9986=0.8453第二步,计算forwarpoints 10000 × (F – S) = 10000 × (0.8453 – 0.8465) = 10000 × (–0.0012) = –12. 可否理解为持有期为90天的拆借利率,即年利率已经*90/360,不必再算?

2023-05-08 15:29 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000213 问题如下 A researreport procea aler inclus the followings tas. The USGspot exchange rate is 0.8465, the 90y Libor rates for the USanthe Gare 1.065% an1.620%. Whiof the following options is the most accurate of the 90-y forwarpoints(the interest rates are on a basis of a 360-y year) in USG? A.–8.9. B.–12. C.12. B is correct.FUSGBP=S(USGBP)(1+iUS/(1+iGBP)=0.8465[(1+0.01065(90/360)]/[1+0.01620(90/360)]=0.8465*0.9986=0.8453The forwarpoints are 10000 × (F – S) = 10000 × (0.8453 – 0.8465) = 10000 × (–0.0012) = –12.考点ForwarPremium anscount解析第一步,先算得远期汇率水平0.8453F = 0.8465[(1+0.01065(90/360)]/[1+0.01620(90/360)]=0.8465*0.9986=0.8453第二步,计算forwarpoints 10000 × (F – S) = 10000 × (0.8453 – 0.8465) = 10000 × (–0.0012) = –12. 如题

2022-12-06 23:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000213问题如下A researreport procea aler inclus the followings tas. The USGspot exchange rate is 0.8465, the 90y Libor rates for the USanthe Gare 1.065% an1.620%. Whiof the following options is the most accurate of the 90-y forwarpoints(the interest rates are on a basis of a 360-y year) in USG?A.–8.9.B.–12.C.12. B is correct.FUSGBP=S(USGBP)(1+iUS/(1+iGBP)=0.8465[(1+0.01065(90/360)]/[1+0.01620(90/360)]=0.8465*0.9986=0.8453The forwarpoints are 10000 × (F – S) = 10000 × (0.8453 – 0.8465) = 10000 × (–0.0012) = –12.考点ForwarPremium anscount解析第一步,先算得远期汇率水平0.8453F = 0.8465[(1+0.01065(90/360)]/[1+0.01620(90/360)]=0.8465*0.9986=0.8453第二步,计算forwarpoints 10000 × (F – S) = 10000 × (0.8453 – 0.8465) = 10000 × (–0.0012) = –12. 请问这个forwarpoints如何理解?

2022-12-03 23:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000213 问题如下 A researreport procea aler inclus the followings tas. The USGspot exchange rate is 0.8465, the 90y Libor rates for the USanthe Gare 1.065% an1.620%. Whiof the following options is the most accurate of the 90-y forwarpoints(the interest rates are on a basis of a 360-y year) in USG? A.–8.9. B.–12. C.12. B is correct.FUSGBP=S(USGBP)(1+iUS/(1+iGBP)=0.8465[(1+0.01065(90/360)]/[1+0.01620(90/360)]=0.8465*0.9986=0.8453The forwarpoints are 10000 × (F – S) = 10000 × (0.8453 – 0.8465) = 10000 × (–0.0012) = –12.考点ForwarPremium anscount解析第一步,先算得远期汇率水平0.8453F = 0.8465[(1+0.01065(90/360)]/[1+0.01620(90/360)]=0.8465*0.9986=0.8453第二步,计算forwarpoints 10000 × (F – S) = 10000 × (0.8453 – 0.8465) = 10000 × (–0.0012) = –12. 先算得远期汇率水平F = 0.8465[(1+0.01065(90/360)]/[1+0.01620(90/360)]=0.8465*0.9986=0.8453解析里面是这样算的,请问为啥不是(1+0.01065)*(90/360)呢

2022-10-12 20:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000213 问题如下 A researreport procea aler inclus the followings tas. The USGspot exchange rate is 0.8465, the 90y Libor rates for the USanthe Gare 1.065% an1.620%. Whiof the following options is the most accurate of the 90-y forwarpoints(the interest rates are on a basis of a 360-y year) in USG? A.–8.9. B.–12. C.12. B is correct.FUSGBP=S(USGBP)(1+iUS/(1+iGBP)=0.8465[(1+0.01065(90/360)]/[1+0.01620(90/360)]=0.8465*0.9986=0.8453The forwarpoints are 10000 × (F – S) = 10000 × (0.8453 – 0.8465) = 10000 × (–0.0012) = –12.考点ForwarPremium anscount解析第一步,先算得远期汇率水平0.8453F = 0.8465[(1+0.01065(90/360)]/[1+0.01620(90/360)]=0.8465*0.9986=0.8453第二步,计算forwarpoints 10000 × (F – S) = 10000 × (0.8453 – 0.8465) = 10000 × (–0.0012) = –12. 关于FORWARPOINT是不是题目中给定了F或者S来确定FORWARPOINT 到底是乘以100还是10000比如给定F是0.8765那算出来的差额就是乘以10000比如给定F是87.65那就乘以100?

2022-06-05 23:21 1 · 回答