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今天也要来一杯 · 2020年02月17日



Foresight International Assurance is an international multiline insurance conglomerate. Under its overall strategic financial plan, it computes the annualized standard deviation of returns on investment assets as 5.0% and on liabilities as 2.5%. The bulk of its liabilities are constituted by the net present value of expected claims payouts. The correlation between asset and liability returns is therefore a very low 0.25. Foresight’s common equity to financial assets ratio is 20.0%.

What is the standard deviation of changes in the value of Foresight’s shareholder capitalization?



We use Equation 9 recognizing that A ÷ E = 1/0.20 = 5; (A ÷ E) –1 = 4; the standard deviation of asset returns ( σA/A) = 0.05; the standard deviation of changes in liability values ( σL/L) = 0.025; and the correlation between asset and liability value changes (ρ)= 0.25.

First, we compute the variance of shareholders’ capital value changes:

The standard deviation of shareholder capital valuation change is the square root of the variance. Thus,

请问这句”Foresight’s common equity to financial assets ratio is 20.0%.“中,financial assets指的就是资产总额(asset)么?


1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2020年02月18日


"请问这句”Foresight’s common equity to financial assets ratio is 20.0%.“中,financial assets指的就是资产总额(asset)么?"

对的,有点歧义,应该用Total assets,因为这些公式都是从:资产=负债+所有者权益、这个基本恒等式出发的(A = D + E),基本恒等式里面就是Total assets。

所以用Total asset更好。

但是站在Banks、Insurance的角度用Financial assets也没有问题!

原因是,现在我们是想看看Banks、Insurance的经验业务不同对Equity带来的波动,金融公司的经营业务影响的就是Financial assets,所以机构IPS这里的Bank/Insurance算Equity的Volatility,如果给出来的是Equity to financial asset raito也没有问题。直接带公式即可。

