a relatively low reinterest rate. a relatively high reinterest rate. C is correct. A high growth rate of potentiG woulcause reincomes to rise more rapiy analso translate into higher reinterest rates anhigher expecterequirereasset returns. The reinterest rate is essentially the rereturn thconsumers/savers manin exchange for postponing consumption. Faster growth in potentiG means thconsumers expetheir reincome to rise more rapiy. This implies thextra unit of future income/consumption is less valuable thit woulif income were expecteto grow more slowly. All else the same, the reinterest rate will have to relatively high in orr to inthe savings requireto funrequiresirecapitaccumulation. 考点Growth in potentiG 解析国家C现在正努力发展生产,提高潜在G水平。一国潜在G水平提高后,国民就会预期自己的收入将要增加。那么这时候人们就倾向于去更多地消费而不是储蓄。为了吸引一国居民储蓄,只能给与其更多的补偿,这就表现为更高的利率水平。所以C过的利率水平应该上升。这是哪个知识点呢?有点模糊?
Observation 2 The government of Country C is working harto brie the gbetween its stanrof living anthof velopecountries. Currently, the rate of potentiG growth in Country C is high.解析国家C现在正努力发展生产,提高潜在G水平。一国潜在G水平提高后,国民就会预期自己的收入将要增加。那么这时候人们就倾向于去更多地消费而不是储蓄。为了吸引一国居民储蓄,只能给与其更多的补偿,这就表现为更高的利率水平。所以C过的利率水平应该上升。 这个题,如果说C的potentiG高--》lower cret risk--》lower rereturn,我是这么想的,如果这么想为啥a是错的?我想错了?
何老师上课讲过,除非是技术进步,一般的potentiG增长通常是物价上涨带来的,我理解那导致的利率增加应该是名义利率增加,而实际利率相对是降低的吧?问一道题NO.PZ201512020800000303 第3小题 [ CFA II ]